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Date: March 22nd 1942

No. 106

Capt. G.S. Andrews RCE

Survey Directorate

H.Q. Cdn Corps.

Cdn Army England Overseas

22 March 42

Dear Jean:

Your letter of 23rd Feb. arrived this week, also copies of the airgraph of the 17th and letter of 8th Feb. Bob Richards sounds like a real fine fellow - and if he is to become Betty's husband - so much the better. Betty deserves a break this time. Hope he will be able to call often.

Will try to look up Dorothy Phipps father - it is a bit far for convenience - but may get a ride down with somebody going that way.
Your remarks about Gertrude are very true - she is like her sister Mary in that aspect - doesn't seem to be able to say "no" to a good time - and I was glad to see Mary happily married - because she has made a wonderful wife and mothers, and is very happy with Harry. It is quite a problem for you too dear - and your concern is natural - and I admire you for it. Don't know just how far you can go in advising Gertrude - but I gather she needs a bit of good sympathetic, but candid advice. Also I wouldn't hesitate to be frank with her about the kind of chaps she brings to the house - After all, it is our home - and you are the Queen there - and you have a right to draw the line. I know it is hard because sometimes having them come in unexpectedly can't be avoided - but I wouldn't hesitate to tell Gertrude when you disapprove of any particular ones - so that she will realize that they are a bit below par according to the Andrews standard - and to act accordingly. Her nice friends - its quite the other way - I am glad that she has a place to bring them - and I think it is nice for you too someday our own little girl will being her lessons in discriminating between the best - and the "not quite the best" - so your experience with Gertrude will perhaps help us when Mary grows up and beings to step out - also Mary may well inherit her aunts love of a good time - which is a grand thing if it can be guided along the right lines. I do hope nothing will interfere with Gertrudes marriage - Rae sounds like the right fellow for her - and she will make an ideal wife for the right man. This war psychosis is hard on the young people - excitement - uncertainty - have a good time while you can - and Gertrude should be warned that many - in fact most of the young fellows feel that is an excuse of everything - sort of a moral holiday - and it is the girl who suffers in that case - she has to stay put - and take the consequences right among her own circle of friends and relatives - the soldiers & airmen etc - they move on to fresh fields - I know we must be [?] minded and understanding - but just the same - a girl has only one chance - with it she can secure life long happiness - or tragedy.

This past week has been without much excitement - 2 trips to London - and the London Times Imperial Editor on my trail for information about the Alaska Highway. Alas it looks as ho I have to give another talk - just on B.C. - no ordinary audience about 200 adults that is next month. Intend to give it if I can - it wont take much preparation and will simply talk around a selection of slides. Its one way of doing something for others - and at the same time a service to my province. Well dear, I must get 2 more short letters off -

Love -


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