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Date: March 30th 1941

Lieut. G.S. Andrews, R.C.E.

"I" Branch.

Canadian Corps, H.Q.

C.A.S.F. Base P.O., Canada

England, 30th March 1941

Dear Jean:

Have just got home, Sunday night - been down at the office all day to-day. There is plenty to do - brain work - and how slow & cumbersome my old brain is when I really have a problem that requires some good thinking! We keep trying though - and if the war lasts long enough, I may be able to figure out a few useful things.

Yesterday I took the afternoon off - and took two ladies to see Barry's play "Dear Brutus" It was an early matinee- Miss Morris drove her car in, and a quick lunch at a funny little restaurant then we met a friend of hers at the theatre. Afterwards to the friends for tea - then back here for supper - It was a fine change. Enjoyed the play very much - Barry is in a class by himself - a naïvite about his plays which is charming and interesting - a good cast - saved the programme, which I will send to you by ordinary post. That is the reason I worked all day today -

Was up to London also on Tuesday last week on business - visiting the research dept of Kodak - and met some fine men - and saw some very interesting new developments in my line - we got there about 11 and they made us stay to lunch - and our discussions continued on till after tea - Kodak is a wonderful organization here, as well as at home. I think I told you last week about visiting the Ross optical people - also a wonderful experience, and some splendid men there too. Spent 1 day during the week giving some lectures on air photog. at the First Canadian Division just a small group of officers. They weren't too bright.

No mail except a package of Sweet Caps from the Forest Branch - it just arrived nicely. I had just begun to buy the English cigs. Have enough Dixie for about 2 or 3 more weeks.

A card from Bill saying that he expects to be sailing for home anytime - he had hoped to get down here to see me for a day - but I haven't heard anything - so shouldn't be surprised if he is on his way already. Will be relieved to hear of his safe arrival home - and he promised to cable.

Am looking forward to the next mail with news of your plans for going south and how the house is coming along. Mary will give all her aunts & uncles & grandma a fast time of it this year - I hope they won't spoil her too much. Miss Morris asked me today if she could send 2 little dresses for Mary that her neice has out grown - I told her you would love to have them - they are quite nice - one especially is very sweet. Miss M. said she has been sewing them for some nice little child - and thought they would fit Mary - if we send them right away before she grows too much.

The war news has been quite encouraging during the recent week - poor old Mussolini must be regretting a few things now. What a fool he was to plunge his country into war when he didn't have to - he could have got far more from either side had he maintained his equilibrium - but now he gets nothing but kicks from his foes and his "friends"!
Well - to bed - have just got clear of a nasty cold which slowed me up a bit for a couple of days - hope it is the last for this winter.

All my love - to my wife & baby -

As ever


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