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Date: July 23rd 1940

c/o Chief Postal Censor,



23rd July, 1940

Dearest Wife:

This letter is sort of super-schedule, or in other words "on the velvet". You see, it so happened that yesterday your letter of the 30th June arrived, and also the tin of tobacco both ample cause for joy - then tonight when I got back to headquarters after a busy day driving, your letter of 7th July was waiting for me, so although my letter of last Sunday has gone, I thought I'd answer those right now, and will of course write again as usual next Sunday.

First with regard to the tobacco - you sent a 2 pound tin, and that should last me 2 months - so if you send a 1 pound tin each month - that should be just right. The cigarettes have not come yet, but no doubt they will be along soon. 300 of them per month will be plenty too. By the way, it is interesting to note - and with much satisfaction that all your letters have reached me - that speaks pretty well for Britain's control of the seas! A few of them have been a little slow in catching up with me, but in those cases it is because I have moved to a new address and they have had to tag along after me.
It is great to get your letters, - you put into these a marvellous amount of news, and just the kind of news I love to get, perhaps you could say more about your own dear self - I do hope you are happy and not trying to shoulder too big a load of responsibility and work. I know that there will be times when you get dog tired - and perhaps feeling a bit blue - when these times come - just remember that I am very close to you darling - the spirit knows no barriers of distance, frontier - or danger, or even time, and my heart & spirit are one. So many times during my busy days I find myself thinking "Now Jean and Mary will be just having breakfast - or you will be trotting down the corridors of the buildings after a days work - hurrying home to Mary - and perhaps wondering if she has been a good girl that day - or you will be bundling Mary & Graham into the little car on Sunday morning to go & see if the ducks are still at the pond in the park - and I can imagine that I am there with you in the midst of all the beauty & life of Victoria - the sun - the sea - and the distant mountains across the sea. It is during these flights of heart & mind that I am most happy - and confident - we have a treasure to cherish have we not dear - and how much it has been enhanced and glorified by this experience we are enduring now!

I am so glad to have the little colored photos - and you look so nice in them - I find myself wanting to show them to everybody - "see what a lovely wife I have!" - The baby looks a little wistful in them but she's cute anyway. The one with Mr. Swannell & Minnie is good too - especially of Frank - You can tell Minnie to be less stingy with her good looks in future pictures!

I am so sorry to learn of the Petrie's misfortune - poor Carlotta & Bert - give them my kindest thoughts next time you see them. Tell Bert that I have had a chance to swat up some Field Astro, and when the war is over we will dope out a really highball method for astronomic camera calibration.

You must have had a busy time entertaining Harold Andrews, Beth and Lashley & his "gal". You speak of Mary - do you mean Alice? (Harolds wife). Anyway I'm glad you were able to give them a good time - and enjoyed it yourself. It seems funny to think of Lashley being engaged - and splendid too -

Next time you see Mickey Trew give him my regards - and tell him I have wished several times lately that he & I could have a good discussion on the recent developments of the war. Its too bad Micky can't go into the army - but tell him we need some good men to keep the wheel turning at home.

Glad to know you received your first allowance as a soldiers wife - The rate works out to 4.41 per pound sterling - It could be worse, and it could be better. I will be greatly relieved if and when I can send you more, and the prospects look brighter as a result of my trip to London to-day - of which more later.

You would laugh if you could see how I have enjoyed smoking some good old Dixie tobacco yesterday and to-day - It sure has anything they have here beaten. Life has taken on a rosy hue indeed thanks to a decent pipe of my favourite brand! You might tell Caroline that her pipe has now been promoted to first rank among my pipes - I smoke it more than any of the others - it has mellowed into a real pal.

Well Jean - its late, and we have a long drive into London & back - I went in with Major Baird my O.C. of the C.R.E. Survey Coy. We spent a lot of time at the Canadian Military H.Q. trying to get my transfer to a Canadian Commission speeded up, and prospects look much better now, as a result. Had to take another medical exam - the third! But you will be glad to know that I am still graded A! t will still be a while before I know definitely if my transfer has gone through - but I will write you as soon as I get word either favourable or unfavourable, as it is rather important from the financial standpoint - I would not say anything about this - keep it in the family. Heaps of love to you &
Mary -


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