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Date: January 26th 1941

Lieut. G.S. Andrews, R.C.E.

c/o "I" Branch,

H.Q. Canadian Corps,

C.A.S.F. Base P.O. Canada.

England, 26 Jan 1941.

Dearest Jean:

This has been a big week - 4 letters from you! Dec 15 - 22 - 26 - and 29th - you have been very generous, because I know it has been a busy time for you. The two later ones I have here, the other 2 are at the office - so will re-read them before sending this tomorrow in case I forget something now. Evidently you had a nice Xmas - Sorry about Mary's teeth - but these things usually wait till some special day before to show up. Glad the teacloths got through - and fear Mary's books may have met with bad luck - because they should have arrived the same mail as the teacloth. Anyway, everybody was very good to the little rascal, and we can get some more books - I am alarmed that she is showing her mother's traits so markedly at this early age - from all accounts she put on a real show on the 26th. Also I think it is just about time my wife should retire from the Dept. of Lands - after carrying on in such a way on Xmas eve - Surely they told you that your old man was the model of sobriety on all occasions of that kind - I can see I sure have my work cut out for me when I get home to keep two such terrible women in line - if you came over here - I shall certainly take you on a pub-crawl!

I can imagine what Mrs. Swannells Xmas dinner was like - [?] it makes my mouth water. Tell Anne MacB. That I wanted to send her my picture, but was a bit scared of her old man - Glad you like it - I thought it rather queer - but couldn't face another sitting so told him to pick the best proof & get on with it. The sketch I mentioned in my last letter is till here - am trying to get something to send it in. Took my writing pad to the office this am intending to do my writing there after brunch - but my boss told me to take the pm off so I walked 2 miles to the bus, and from there caught the bus ride to Darking to have tea with Haywards - then, home in time for a late dinner. They are always glad to see me - and most hospitable - Hope you will meet them some day - they are always interested to learn of Mr. Hall, whom they think a great deal of.

Last night I went to have dinner with Capt. Rothery at his mess - afterwards we played some keen games of darts and ping pong - Hope to go to London with him tomorrow, to do some shopping & other business.
Be sure to let me know if the loan papers arrived - and if the money for our insurance premium came through o.k. Am thrilled to learn that the work is started on the house at last. Your idea of getting an electric stove is o.k. Have you paid off the refrigerator yet?

Word from Bill, my mother indicates that he is coming to this country for 3 months on munitions work - then is to return to Canada, to carry on there. Not sure if I can wrangle a bit of leave to have with him or not. Will try anyways.

What do you think - the officer who has taken my place with the Survey Coy is none other than 2/Lieut Lyle G. Trorey, R.C.E. He came down to see me for a few minutes yesterday. I wonder how he will get along with Robbie? The situation has its possibilities - but I hope for the best.
The [?] continues to come and am very much appreciated. I am keeping up to date on Winby - Terry - and Little orphan annie etc. Also get a lot of news that otherwise we should never get here - The English papers are [?] - I never have liked them.

Well dear - its bed time - things are about the same - still a glimmer in the clouds - and were still trying! Got a big thrill out of Mary E's first letter. All my love to you both -

As ever


P.S. Regards to Garmans!

P.S. Glad Leila has made up her mind - it will relieve a great deal of tension & strain on them both - It was just like her to offer you her picture if yours hadn't come.

You must meet her.

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