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Date: November 18th 1941

(Can) R74906
Sgt Pilot Davey JV.
129 (Mysore) Squadron
Nov 18/41

Dear Mom, Dad & Art:

Received your 8th letter this morning, I'll start numbering mine so we'll call this 8 too altho' I have written every week since being over here except the last two weeks as I mentioned in my previous letter. and seeing the differences in time between Air Mail & ordinary I shall send Ordinary OK. and shall save a shilling then. I guess you those two letters must have gone down as I wrote on the boat, I believe you got that one according to Mom there wasn't much left to read after the censors got thro' with it. and then I wrote another soon after I arrived. Yes John & Bill arrived at B.__ a day or two before we left & John was in the course behind us at O.T.U., I just received our course picture from O.T.U. not a bad one at all, there are two boys on there that have 'had it' as we call it - flying accidents.

So Ken finally received his wings, I guess he will be coming this way some time or other it would cost him a pretty penny travelling T.C.A. wouldn't it. but a few more days at home really make up for it.

I am pleased to hear my cheque arrived and I guess you have had another one by now, I should have a nice little bit of cash by the time I get back. You're telling me about advances We get paid every two weeks & I've been getting £9/2 each time. so the other day I enquired what was going on, well I'm only down about $15000 not bad eh., but I told the clerk he'd better make it up easy as its there fault as since leaving Halifax where I first made the allotment of 5000 I have told the pay office of the allotment on every station & they still insist, I probably could have been doing alright by them for quite awhile but one day they would have caught up so I took steps myself, but don't worry I'll see they take it off easy. like. As far as being on the P.s.d. business I am doing O.K. so far have even tangled the people over here with their own money. At one place I gave a pound note for some smokes, the chap gave me two 10s notes first and took the £. I then gave him a 10s for the smokes, he then gave me the smokes the 10s note & 9s on top of that good way of doing business, I gave him his 10s back & he was very delighted at my honesty. Quite a number of chaps have been clipped in Cafes, taxis etc.

Yes I was around the place we used stayed when over last but couldn't place any of the lankmarks, I think there used to be a light house around there but I couldn't find it, I was then stationed near where we left for home but didn't fly around there as I was moved to another Sqdn. 129. and we are from the same field as I at & we will be going back there, we are in an open country, no land marks, I sure got lost on my first trip, here. good job my wireless was working. it wasn't this morning & did have quitea time getting in as couldn't see anything except below 50', makes it nice oh yeah. but long as one gets down its okay.

Well as you know I have seen all & have written them & received on from them Watkins this morning along with one from Ted.

I received your 7th letter two days ago. and I'm sorry about those films you talk about, I can't find them as yet but will look again. I have bought an album & have them all in it. but will look for the negs. please say hello to the fishman. I had a letter from Frank Dunn, Con & Mr Lindner the other day, I seem to be getting more mail now. & as you get them with the Sqdn on, they will be coming without so much station to station travel as they have to do now.

I am sorry to hear Mom that you had a nother upset and sincerely hope you will pick up and stay well glad to hear you both are well Dad and that Art is doing OK at the wireless course, keep it up kid & don't join the Air Force as a Wireless Air gunner. get you ticket and you should be able to hit something good, all the best. - if Art Brown is still down at Sprott's say hello to him for me.

Thanks for giving Mr Freeman my address I would like to hear from him, give him & Mrs Freeman a hello for me. I haven't yet had any cigs. Con wrote & said she has had an order for 300 per month for me each month & also the Quality Press has like wise, but haven't got any yet. how is Con still as nice as ever. I am in a rather bad spot for sending Cablegrams but hope to be able to send some in time for Xmas. but please have a Merry Xmas & Happy & Prosperous New Year & don't fight over my share of the dinner. you had better send it, if you can't figure out what to do with it. Oh I have got a Wardonia razor now & have a few blades but you can send Gillet blades any time as I still have a Gillet razor. - The blades over here are terrible no fooling. couldn't cut butter & only good for one shave. the blades are three holes, but one hole & slotted.

Now I shall quit & will get those pictures by next time I hope. so lots of love to you all. bye the way I have written all the relations in Victoria & so has Uncle Will according to his letter now bye again and be good & the best of health

Your loving son

Yes Spits are really sweet kites no fooling especially the latest jobs you've probably heard about on these swaps.

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