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Date: February 11th 1941

Lieut. G.S. Andrews, R.C.E.

"I" Branch,

H.Q. Canadian Corps,

C.A.S.F. Base P.O. Canada.

England, 11 Feb 41

I have delayed getting this letter off hoping that my share of a big Canadian mail which came through last Friday would arrive from the Survey Coy - but it hasn't come through yet - so I had better get this under way. Likely it will arrive just when I have posted this.
Have been just over a month now on my new job and been appointed officially on the "I" staff - so it looks all settled for a while anyway. I do not see any promotion connected with the job, for the immediate future anyway, but I understand there is to be a little more pay - which will be welcome enough. One thing about the job, I have been busy all the time, and have been able to get around to a certain extent to see how things are being done by the Canadian and British Air Force in the way of air photography. So that is something. In a personal way, being attached to a H.Q. staff has its advantages and disadvantages - you meet more people - some interesting and worthwhile - and others without much appeal - there isn't the home-like family atmosphere that one finds in a small unit like the Survey Coy - where a small number work & live together all the time. Its more impersonal at H.Q. and plenty of brass-hats kicking around. I told you that Lyle Trorey has joined the Survey Coy in my place there - and he seems to be enjoying it - and they like him very much. I was up there the other day on business, and stayed for lunch - very enjoyable.

On Sunday I went up to Lorne's battery with Capt. Rothery - and was pleasantly surprised to find Dick Farrow there - he belongs to the same regiment so we had quite a reunion - and stayed to lunch - Lorne gave me a book which Frank Swannell had sent for my birthday - some very useful math tables - so when you see Frank tell him I have it and am most pleased - and will write him in due course.

Had an interesting day last week - motored over to Salisbury Plains to see a demonstration - an army exercise which was quite interesting - so but the small inn where we had planned to have lunch weren't expecting such a large number - so lunch was a bit skimpy - so after the demonstration we motored into Salisbury (Town) and had a bang up afternoon tea at a fine old inn. Cold ham, a boiled egg, buns, bread and jam & tea - then we walked through the interesting old streets to see the famous Salisbury Cathedral - which is considered one of the most beautiful of all Englands edifices of this kind. No doubt you have seen pictures of it. Didn't go inside because there wasn't a great deal of time, and I was quite content to go away with simply the impression of its beautiful exterior. On the way home, we passed Stonehenge - much to my joy - as I had not seen it before - and have always been greatly intrigued in the accounts of it. We didn't have things to stop - so I want to return to it some day and ruminate around at my leisure. The nearest "mother"rock of the stones is over 200 miles away, in Wales I believe - Am glad to have had a glimpse of both the cathedral and the more ancient pagan place of worship - both mans best in the way of tribute to the same God.

The last newsletter from the Forest Branch came not long ago - the special CASF edition and I was very much interested in the various write-ups of all the chaps who have joined up. I'd like to know who wrote up mine - it sounded just a bit 'collegiate ' "Hobbies - photography golf and badminton" was a hot one! and almost calls for a vote of censure - However they meant well I guess. Its funny the things in my biography such as it be, which I value most were not mentioned at all in that - with exception to my crowning achievement of persuading the finest girl in California to come up to Victoria to become Mrs. G.S.A. and of course Mary Elizabeth. I don't need to tell you the other things which I consider the highlights in my humble career. Yes, I think we will have to write a book - you & I - illustrated by Mary -

Gosh I have so many letters to write that it isn't funny. It just seems impossible to keep up with it. Have been expecting my brother Bill to show up for the last week or 10 days - and am wondering if he has arrived in the country but hasn't found out how to get in contact with me. Am over-due for a week's leave, but am holding back on it hoping he will have some time to spend with me.

The Provinces came filtering in in batches and I enjoy them very much, and always pass them on to others when they are looked through - so they are a good turn to more than just me.

Well dear I'll leave a space in case my letters arrive tomorrow. All my love - to you both.

As ever


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