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Date: June 28th 1918
Robertson, John Hill

Seaford Sussex


June 28/18

Dear Dad

I received your letter dated June the 2nd and also Mother's dated May 24th yesterday. It was great to get them both the day before my birthday. Then I got a letter from Aunt Jim today So my party has been O.K. I see by the letter that you haven't received any of my letters yet. I have been writing every week and sometimes more when I got a letter. I'm glad to say I have got lots of them. They are sometimes over a month old but it makes no difference. The letter came in 20 days. That was a record trip I think for the others all took longer. It was payday yesterday we all got 1. It isn't very much but a lot of fellows were broke and needed it. I didn't need any myself I still have all my money and some over. I want a good handful when I get my leave. We will get paid all our balance. That will make a good sum for me. Don't worry about me not having enough money. They will only give half pay any rate. If I need any I will write for it. Don't forget to see that the allowance comes O.K. It isn't marked in my pay book so I didn't know whether you got it or not till I got the letter. If it don't come get after them.

I will now give an out line of the days work seeing it is my Birthday. I got up at 5 AM as usual. Breakfast at 6.30 & in that time I had to shave, wash, shine up brass and clean my rifle. At 7 Oclock we got physical jerks. At 8 Oclock we parade for drill. It isn't so bad now since we have got over most of the squad drill. We took a lesson on Barbed wire work this morning till 11.45 then we broke off for dinner. At 1 Oclock parade again this time it was bayonet fighting. It is pretty hard work. But it beats the tramping about that goes with squad drill. I figured on going up town to-night and treating myself to some Chocolates If I could get any and have a feed a truck but my plans were all busted up. We broke off drill at about 3.15 in the afternoon and were told that we would parade at 8 PM for a route march. I came in and changed boots to rest boots. They the Sergent came around rooting us out to a bath parade. So I had a good bath and feel pretty good. At 5.30 we got supper. Stew meat and gravy rice pudding 2 slice war bread. Margarine. Tea with out milk or sugar. I was good and hungry so I had a fill up as much as I could to get read for the march. Then I went to the Canteen and got 2 bowls of pudding 4 D a shot. It was like spoil paste for putting on wall paper with a few canned peaches and pears. Very few. The whole dish was about cupfull. I thought is was fine. The sugar was very noticable by its absence. Then I came back to the tent and got my pack ready and started to write. It is now 9.30 and I have got to get into harness so I will have to quit for a while. I'm going to lay my bed before I start then when we get back. There wont be a muddle in the dark.

Well dad I'll start again. I'm glad to say the march was cancled. After getting all ready and sticking around I was sore. It was to late to go to town so I went to a canteen call the {House hut} and got a small can of salmon some crackers and a cup of tea. It fill me up fine. Then came back to finish this letter. I guess you think this is some day. I am back in the tent sitting on my blankets and writing on the top of my mess can some writing desk eh. I keep writing to Aunt Jim and Cousin Mary. Aunt Jim says she is pretty busy so I get more news from Cousin Mary. She sent me a few pictures. I'm sending them on for you to see. Tell [?] to keep them in my bunch. I expect to get leave in about a week now. So I'll soon be able to send lots of news, Mother say she wishes uncle george was in the same bunch as me if he has to go. It would'nt be any use we would be separated. They arrange everything alphabetically here so he would be in a different platoon. I hope he gets exemption then he won't need to come. Tell Hannah I got a note from Horace. It was quite nice. I'll answer in a day or so. He says he will run down to see me if he can it isn't so awful far away. I haven't received Mothers parcel yet. I guess it will be a month at least. Well I have written quite a lot but remember its my birthday so I have an excuse for it. I'm glad your partner is agreeable it makes the work a lot easier. Don't work to hard dad. Life is to short to pass it all away in work. Take it easy. I hope Mother Charles and Hannah are all feeling fine and yourself too. I will close now with best love to all

Your loving son


P.S. I wrote to Mr Howard a few days ago. I guess he is till at the station.

Write Soon

I'm going to post this and then go to bed. Tell Sonny we are celebrating the 1st of July. I sent him a letter 2 weeks ago.

Original Scans

Original Scans