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Date: September 13th 1942
Dad, Mum and Marg

Lloydminster, Saskatchewan Sept 13th, 42
Dear Art,
Glad to report that we received a letter from you to-day that was written on August 27th, the last one we received was written on July 31st so there are one or two missing that we have not received as you mention that you were writing your weekly epistle. However they may yet come along as sometimes they get held up at the censor office. We were much relieved to get the letter, yet feel quite concerned over your cold, You must take good care of yourself, I was going to pack up a parcel for ypu tonight as we have all the stuff ready at home but I will wait till the morning and get some of those capsules that you spoke of but you did not give me the name. however I will do my best to get something that will suit you. Then Art you must be ver careful in your habits and do not drink out of every vessel that it handy especially after someone else has used it. That will sometimes give trench mouth and it is not very nice as you probably know by now. I wrote you a letter last night sending it by regular mail as I had an enclosure that I wanted to send you, so you will receive it sometime after this I expect. I was anticipating tha you had been doing a lot
I started this letter in the wrong place but I guess you will be able to get it straightened out, Art
of flying since I read in the paper that you were over the Rhur on August 6th, with the Moose Squadron, I have been watching the news every day to keep track of the squadron and often only the name of the leader is mentioned, but I believe that I know the name of your leader and every time I read of him being over I figured that you were over with them, However I guess you tuen will come. I received the letter that P.O. Higham posted for you in Canada. Sure pleased to get it, and will keep it as a souvenir . Glad you are getting the parcels and the cigarettes, I am ordering another 1,00 for you to-night Archie Miller gave me one dollar towards them so write and thank him then he will know that I have completed the deal. Everybody that I have seen and spoken to regarding you continuing the work of P.O. Higham extend their congratulations to you and wish me to express their best wishes. I have written you since our holiday in Edmonton telling you all about it, but in case that letter should go astray we have a wonderful time for the two days we were there. When you have the opportunity wrote to Mr Jone, you can get him at the Newspaper Service Bureau, 10419 Jasper Avenue. They have moved their home to 117th street but I forget the name of the house. We are used to the rationing now and do not find it a hardship, in fact it has been a help as it has given mother an added incentive to prepare for the winter, and she now has 100 quarts of fruit and jam down, also several quarts of pickles, She will be writing a few lines on this so will probably go into further detials. Glad finances are alright with you, We are getting by alright. The last time I saw Doris this week she mentioned that she had not heard from you for quite a while and you had not answered her last letters, so probably they are the ones you referred to when you wrote you received two at once. Margery Dalley is getting married on Thursday. Mother and I are going to the wedding and reception in the New Royal Café. Margaret is one of the bridesmaids, Marion Morgan the other and Delia and Dorothy flower girls, The dresses for them have been made by Mrs Wilson and I believe from what I hear they will look very nice, Mother and I purchased them a table cloth as a gift. Margaret attended a shower in her honor last week and gave a gift. The twon is very quiet, nothing happening at all. No sports, no social events just the humdrum council meetings to attend, outside of that nothing to attend, Theonly break we get now is the picture show but we are very happy with it all, we hav more time for reading and to spend at home. The garden is good this year and it will keep my busy getting it up. Glad to say we are all well. Will leave the balance of the space for mother and Margaret and others whowant to write. So good luck till we meet again and will soon,
Hello Art
Sorry you were sick but you must put more clothing on not wash your hair and go out with it wet., I know you, also your not to smoke often [?] pies or cigs go without if you have none so please do what I say and take care of yourself, we have a surprise for you soon but I cannot say with it is only hope you get it.
The weather here is beautiful and we sure have lovely potatoes in the Garden, we are all looking forward to Margie Wedding all the Simmons are going its going to be a swell affair wish you were here. Well I must close lots of love take care of yourself don't forget what I tell you also get lots of sleep. How are you for socks, Am glad you and Pte Adre are good friends you could not get anyone better. lots of love May Good make sure of you till we meet again
Mum xxxxxxxx
Hi Art:
Hello & Goodbye. That is nearly all there is room for. I'm working on my smock still. The darn thing wont work out right. Just swear a little for me eh what. This is all the room there is so cheerio & keep smiling. Love Marg
We wish you were home more mom says your more fun than Daddy.

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