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Date: July 24th 1918
Mother and Father
Walter Liddiard

Witley Camp

July 24th 1918

Dear Folks.-

Received your letter today dated June 28th. they seem to be making better time now. Glad to hear that you are getting my letters alright, they seem to be coming in bunches that's the way we usually get them, had 3 today, one from Phoebe, one from Meg Sibbald, and yours. Looks as if I will get them pretty often from her now. I made up a parcel of toffee and chocolate and sent her, they can't buy that stuff outside. Glad you received the brooch alright and like it, I thought it was rather neat besides it's a souvenir. I guess I have received everything you have sent me except the last parcel guess I won't get that for another week, the parcels take longer than letters. I've got 2 parcels (and they sure were good, I just finished the tin of sardines, had a bun supper the other night so I got some bread and ate the sardines, they were jake-a-lou; also got the parcel of magazines, they were certainly welcome they are going the rounds with the boys, Also got the 2 M.O's for [?] 1 each. You needn't be afraid of my financial standing I feel like a millionaire, I have [?] 8-10 s on hand after having my leave, so don't send anymore till I write from some. We were paid [?] 1 yesterday. Don't be afraid of me going short of anything. I can get nearly everything I want, and I am getting all I want to eat.

Glad to get Frank Mapleton's address I must write him soon. I wonder how Mrs Mapleton knew that I was in the army. Frank must have a good job. Yes it is possible I may run across him in France but it is very likely, guess I won't be going over for awhile yet. How does the news from the Front strike you these days, looks pretty good eh? I still think I will be home in the time I specified.

I was surprised to hear, that George Henshall was in the hospital with heart trouble, you didn't say, Dad, if he was in Canada or England.

So Bill Cheeseman is still hanging on, guess he will be too late now, hope he gets exemption.

You seem to be getting around visiting quite a lot lately Ma seem to visit Mrs. Sibbald quite a lot and Mrs Rendell. Do you and Dad ever take in a show, you haven't mentioned any so far. I want you to enjoy yourselves while I'm away, its no use staying home moping and say ma don't you start imagining thinks and thinking I'm having a rough time, I'm having a mighty good time, although I get tired of the drill sometimes it gets monotonous. It's better than being shut up in a stuffy office and I feel a lot better for it. Tom seems to have a good job in San Diego with good pay, he seems to like it too, hope they won't have much more moving to do, it's too bad they can't seem to get settled down.

Why don't you use some of that assigned pay that's why I left it to you, I know you can use it too. You must have started a new account in the Merchant's Bank with it.

I haven't heard anymore about training for an N.C.O. I don't think I'll bother about it. Doug and other fellows who have been over say it isn't advisable to go over with stripes, you get in bad with the boys unless you get your stripes in France, its only reasonable too.

Oh, did I tell you I made out a request for the sweater and socks Ruth made, and had it counter signed by the Serg.-Major I guess from Tom's letter, though, they will have given them to the Red + Society before they get the request. Oh well somebody will get the use of them.

You say you would like to see my "dear face" again, ma, well if you saw it now you would sure get a shock, I've just had my hair all cut off, I thought it would make it grow better, but I look like an escaped convict. I would lose all my friends if they could see me now.

Who are all the friends [?] about me? Mr. Ray wrote me a nice long interesting letter which I received this week he says he has seen you several times, he certainly is a nice fellow and a real Christian.
I received a Postcard from Uncle Walter and Aunt Kate they are at Clinftonville; near Margate, for two weeks, it will do them both good, neither of them are feeling extra good. They have had several daylight raids while there it doesn't bother them much now, though. Did I tell you they had a piece of Shrapnel through their window in Chatham? Aunt Anne and the Thompson's at Woolwich both had plaster knocked off the walls from the bomb explosions.

I saw that parrot that used to call out when Grandma had [?], the one you have told me so much about. Of course it is stuffed, it is very much like Peter only smaller, it beak was curved around till it formed a circle. Doesn't it seem strange for me to see it, I've heard about it so often but never expected to see it, it seemed like and old friend.

I saw Ernest Crompton in London he is the Sergeant in charge of the big YMCA there, I went into his office and had a long talk with about the boys from Victoria. I also saw two other Victoria boys in the YMCA who came over after me, you don't know them they use to play ball in the North Ward Park. Frank Crompton has a good job he is training for a special Physical Training Instructor.

How is everything in Victoria anything new in the [?] Provincial or Dominion [?] I hear from they that some returned soldier is expected to win out in the election in June 29th, is that for the Prov. House?

Give my regards to Mrs Norris and the rest of them, also [?], so you have them for neighbours now.

Well I [?] off now and answering some of my other correspondence. Don't get too anxious, ma, you will see me pretty soon, I think.

Shake hands with Pat and Rosie for me, is [?] still [?]?

Sorry I couldn't give you any English [?] out for your birthday Dad. As ever your loving son


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