Camp Hughes
June14 1916
Co'y C. B'tn 184.
Dear Father:-
Recieved yours yesterday & am making an attempt to reply. Sorry to here Wilf's hip is worse & I think that he is very foolish to enlist with such trouble as it is likely our Doctors would try to cure him & cut him up so that he would be useless & moreover the drills & marches that we have would put him on the blink.
About a hundred of us including myself are going out on the rifle ranges tomorrow morning at 4 o'clock to dig trenches. Some job eh! We had a big sand storm this afternoon & follow by rain I just got little wet & eyes, mouth & ears full of sand. You can just about guess what kind of a supper we had after the sand storm, everything was black but I ate it as I was mighty hungry. Am writing this in the Y.M.C.A. writing tent where they supply us with paper & envelopes.
I will see if you & mother can come down for a day but you couldn't stay any longer than a day as they have no hotel or boarding house. Sorry to hear business is so slack but I guess it is the same all over. Eatons are starting a store here as you see we will have some little city in a short time. Recieved a letter from Miss Irene Crosby to-day so you see how popular I am a long way off. Some more of that eats will sure come in handy so don't forget & be sure & tell Mrs. McNicol & the rest that the other fellows feel the same.
Well must ring off & write Miss Crosby.
Your Loving Son