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Date: March 7th 1943

Sunday, March 7

Dear Jim,
The enclosed slip will explain itself, poor old John "on his way" having started forth yesterday on the first lap, Blackpool, and ultimate destination Unknown of course. I am sending ya his present whereabouts & Draft no. "just in case" you two ---.

His posting was all very sudden & no embarkation leave, just time to gather his things hastily together, a day or so at home in between running back & forth to his camp where they were trying to get him off the posting, JL. got last Wed. off to come up & say good bye, & here I am - a very sad & lonely godmammy with yet another - albeit my beloved big one, going from beneath my protective wing. Damn & blast Hitler & Huns!

Dear Jim - your lovely, frank letter of the 5th came yesterday late afternoon & the tumult expressed therein found a kindred state of rebellion in me; but we were rebelling against different things, yet against one really - Fate. What can one do but accept, yet it is all very trying, isn't it? I am so sorry my boy, that y'are having such a strain & it is only natural that ya should be upset. Ya wouln't be young, healthy & human if ya didn't react just as ya have.
To have ya write me as ya do - in varied moods, is most flattering to me & brings our friendship very close, so just go ahead at all times, please.

Have heard from Mrs. B. that Mary has been informed of an approaching posting to where John was & John spoke of her to several WO.'s before he left. So I think all should go well soon.

It is lovely to read that ya count on returning to England sometime & should we still be here, ya know how overjoyed we'll be to welcome ya, good old Jim. If you're still feeling upset when this letter reaches ya - go out into the country, have a good walk, compose a bit of your lovely poetry & you're sure to feel better. If not, write me a stinker to blow off steam!!

It is a glorious day here & I am keeping very busy indoors doing dozens of feminine "chores" to help the great big lumps within me.
Have written John, Jean Louis & ya - my three dear boys. Take care of yourself & get what ya can out of each day. Remember my saying that "Today comes but once"?

Forgive this scrawl but my feelings are mixed, as ya can imagine. Again good luck Jim dear & God bless ya always. Thanks so much for writing.

Look up Margaret Hopkins, NW Regional Fire Office, "Heyscroft", Palatine Rd., Manchester 20 - as she'd help ya with her cheer & human understanding.