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Date: January 10th 1918
George Leslie

Jan. 10/18

Dear Cath:

I guess I should be writing to your mother by rights, seeing as how got a dandy parcel from her a few days ago and also 3 "Standards" but then I expect to have the next day or two to myself so I'm going to write to you tonight instead.

You see it's this way - I'm on the sick list once again & it's only through another streak of luck (good or bad?) I'm not in hospital. The other night I got a crack on the bean which nearly knocked my brains out (what few I've got) and as a result had to have two or three stitches put in just above my let eye. At first the M.O. thought it was a fracture but on closer examination he found it was only a cut so he tied me up and let me go. But I guess I'll be off duty for a little while so things aren't so bad after all. It's a little sore but not enough to bother me much. I had hoped to get away from this hole without being marked up, but I guess it's all off now. However, I've done pretty well so for now there's no cause for any kick. In fact I ought to be mighty thankful for it's given me something to write about - that's three pages filled already.

I s'pose by this time you've been home, had a swell time, and returned to Toronto again although I haven't as yet rec'd the letter you promised to write while you were there. Still, according to your latest epistle (rec'd today) I've some 4� days to wait yet so it will likely show up in due time.

Do you know I've been hearing some very interesting news lately - in fact, I've begun to think that the day of miracles is not yet passed. Only last week I got a letter from Rose in which she stated that Crawfords had actually voted Conservative!! Now where she got the information I don't know but at the time I thought she was suffering from mental paralysis or some such disease. Believe me - Kaiser Bill sure is some man!! Next thing we know he'll have you all reading the "Daily Mail."

I also hear that Joe Sheldon and several other boys that I know are in hospital and that Murton Shore has been killed. I can hardly realize it really. Here I am just 15 mos. in France today exactly and haven't got a scratch worth mentioning, yet these other fellows are knocked out in such a short time. And I've only missed two trips in the line since coming out (that was when I was in hospital). Wonderful, isn't it?

So you were out to Coynes. I know they would be glad to see you and do their best to give you a good time. I know there was no place I'd rather go when I was in the city. Every time I think of Mrs. C.- though I can't help recalling to mind the day she caught me talking or misconducting myself in some such manner & sent me out of the room. I think it was in Jr. III & I'd be about 10 yrs old. A few minutes later out came "Old Lady L-" as we called her (by the way how does that sound - "Old Lady C-" - no I won't finish it) and gave me a good old shaking. Then she put her hand under my chin and bent my head back till I tho't she would break my neck, at the same time demanding "what I meant." Well I couldn't speak if it was to save my soul but she got highly exasperated because I didn't answer and shook me up again. It certainly was funny but I couldn't see the joke at the time. In fact I was scared stiff.

So you have "blossomed forth as a songstress" eh? Well I'm certainly pleased to hear it although to tell the truth I'm not the least bit surprised. You can do it if you try, not the least doubt about that you now. I've heard you sing alto and haven't forgotten though it was a long time ago.

Well now I must turn in or I won't get any beauty sleep (and dear know I can't afford to lose that) I think I've done pretty well this time anyway - ten pages isn't so bad for a soldier. But before closing I wish you many happy returns of the day (I know it's sometime in Feb'y but I forget the date).

And now "Bona nocte". Remember me to Mary next time you see or write to her & don't forget to mention the fact that she owes me a line - I sent her a "card some time ago."

- Leslie