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Date: June 29th 1916
Amos William

Camp Hughes
June 29 /16

Dear Betty:-

Just a hurried line, this is the evening of the great day & consequently you will understand that time is at a premium etc I received your letter this evening, I generally get your letters while at Mess or Dinner in the evening, the real estate deal is costing us more than we thought for isn't it, but still its all in order & it will be a relief to have it fixed up. The Serg't who is in the tent with me happens to be in the real estate business & a commissioner etc & he assures me everything is all right, it is he who has taken my oathe - he's a very nice fellow he called at the house last Saturday afternoon but you must have been out. I'll get the letter of search when I come in, & goodness knows when that will be.

Re Insurance I paid the interest when I was in last & the premium does not come due until July 30th (that is allowing for the 30 days grace) so you do not need to bother about that just now I'll be home before that & fix it up - Then there will be no more premiums due until September or October, & that will only be for $1000. The clergyman's is $ 2.50 per quarter & you will get a [?] for that about a month ahead but when I come home, we must get all our business fixed up & in order. Of course unless we like we are not bound to pay any of principle on mortgage - but still we might as well invest our cash that way & make it earn 8%

Another thing you might as well know Betty is = That they cannot even collect the interest on mortgage, as long as I am on service - but it is to our benefit of course to keep it paid - yet it is just as well for you to know these points, because one never knows what circumstances may arise. Don't worry dear about crossing the sea etc, the fact is no one knows when the order may come, it may be fairly soon but most probably it will be some months away - One thing you must try to do Betty hard though it may be, that is reconcile yourself to my going sometime, & also getting into some of the fighting, which means taking my chance with the rest, & you know me well enough I guess to know that I won't be one of the hangers back. We will just have to still trust the All-Wise & All-Loving Father after all He has been pretty good to us especially in he past few months, so I would not worry dear & when the time comes for my going then remember "As thy days, so shall thy strength be" and " My grace is sufficient for thee" "Rest in the Lord - wait patiently for Him & He shall give thee the desire of thy heart." etc - etc. Must finish with pencil

Oh about that "Victory Medal" I have mine with me - you will see by my last letter that I know of the action of the Emerson Committee. Mr. Berry wrote me & I meant enclosing his letter in my last to you. It was pretty good of them I guess they are going to look after us alright.

Am glad Mrs. Reid came in she'll be in often now, then with (Thorey?) being with you, it will make it a lot better for you , must close now dear will write you when all the doings are over, Best love to you & kiddies
xxxxxxxxxx Betty
xxxxxxxxx Shirley
xxxxxxxxx Billy

still growing, no curl yet.

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