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Date: April 9th 1917
Amos William

291494. 19th Reserve
Batt'n C.E.F.
c/o Army Post Office
London Eng

Bramshott Camp
Easter Sunday 10-30 P.M.

My Dear Betty:-

I have received your letters up to No 10. Was glad to know that Billy is getting arround again dear little fellow how I wished that I could have been with you to help you through. You will be getting warmer weather now, & winter will be a thing of the past for another year, & may be, please God, I'll be with you ere another comes.

I think I told you in my last letter that I was in Quarrantine with another 24 fellows & Serg't McCord & we have another 3 weeks to go unless we are unfortunate enough to have someone else take Mumps & then it will be a month from the fresh case.

I have been thinking of you very very much this Easter-time & especially to day - I wonder Betty if you have any regret for tying yourself up to a fellow like myself, for as I think of the years we have been wed it seems as though you have not had a very easy time of it & now you are alone there with the kiddies. In your last letter No10 you were speaking of the Church etc - One can hardly say yet what they will do if spared to come through this war - but one thing I am sure of, & it is this, that never again can I stand for in the Church what we have endured etc in the past, & unless there is a change or signs of a very radical change then I shall never return to the Baptist ministry, & the others as you say are much the same - But I believe that change is coming, & the men that come back will be a mighty factor in bringing about a revolution which will change the face of things Social - Religion & Political & wherever my lot may be cast I shall dedicate the remainder of my life to the things that really count - its not what a man says he believes that is the measure & expression of the man = but what a man is & does " to thine own self be true etc etc" is a worthy maxim to follow - We have had sadly too much of Creeds & forms, the great need now is for Realism & Reality - Deeds not Words We have allowed great principles to become mere[?], & have gloried too long in the accomplishments of others = Our inspiration is in the past - but in the present lies our opportunity to make our lives sublime & for our example & pattern as well as our strength we have still the Christ - not the Christ of musty creeds or stale theology - but the living & ever present Christ = "That I may know Him & the power of His Ressurrection" is an ambition and a determination which will carry a man along the way of Truth & bring him our into a fuller & larger liberty - "For the Truth shall make you free" & it is only the Free-man who can render truest & best service to his fellows, & honour the God who made him. There's a great day coming Betty & please God we'll have a part & a place in it, so don't worry about the inconsistencies etc of the church = The Church as we have known it will soon be a thing of the past = & we shall yet see a church - renewed - vitalized throbbing with the energy of that love which is the Spirit of the Christ Himself & which reaches out beyond all creed & formalism to grasp & hold the hearts of men, & so fulfilling the purpose of God, even the establishment of the Heavenly Kingdom in power & glory.

But there I didn't mean to preach a sermon - you need not bother about what we shall do after the war, there will be a great place & work for us somewhere, & we'll keep our freedom too. I am sending you a draft for $125°°, payable on the Union Bank Am just keeping $25°° of that which you sent for a small emergency fund - I have already sent for the draft so may be sending it about the end of this week April 16th, etc that you ought to be receiving it at the end of April or beginning of May. You mention $33 insurance coming due in June, I think you will find that it is the Great West Policy for $2,000 & will be about $67°° = it will be due on the last of June but you will have until the last of July - the $1000 policy confederation falls due sometime is September - so with the 125 which I am sending back you will be fixed allright from now on - Don't forget to get in your winter fuel in good time, & I think if I were you I'd get half a load of [?] for another winter - what is Frank doing about the $25°°? I suppose you will be taking it out in butter - meat - eggs? There is a big Inspection on, here on Monday Sir Robert Borden & Bob Rogers visiting the Canadian Camps etc etc.

Well the U.S.A. is in it at last & I hope it will hasten the end I am still of the opinion that this year will see the end, & we certainly hope so. Bella sends me nice little parcels every little while - chocolate cake - cigarettes. I think you said something in one of your letters about your people trying to dispose of their property - getting a smaller place - As far as your interest is concerned I still think it would be wise & the only safe course for you to get a note for the amount that is owing you, & have it renewed from time to time - you would be sure of your interest, & such a note would constitute a first claim on the estate - of course this is only my suggestion, just do what you think best.

I must close now, will try & write in a day or two again. My very best love to yourself & kiddies write very often Good-bye & God bless you

yours lovingly

Betty xxxxxxxxx
Shirley xxxxxxxx
Billy xxxxxxxxxx

P.S. Am getting your papers O.K.

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