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Date: February 3rd 1916
George Leslie

P.S. Perhaps you spot the classy paper. I've used one whole tablet since I came down here. I'm afraid I'll be "broke" as long as I'm in the army.

Feb. 3, 1916.
8.30 P.M.

Dear Catherine:

I found your last letter waiting for me when I got back from the armouries this afternoon. That was exactly three hours ago so you need never refer to your "prompt correspondents" again [?] you're not in it with me.

I've just returned from a call. Eileen sent me a note through the mail yesterday saying she and Gladys were going to be at home (I'm afraid they don't feel much "at home") this evening and would be glad to see me between 7.30 and 8. So I went down to St. Margarets. Lawrence is off down town and dear knows whether he'll find his way back in time for breakfast. You see he hasn't quite got the run of the streets yet and sometimes gets twisted around. I decided to stay in tonight (except for that little "call") and turn in early because we've been up till 11 and 12 o'clock every night this week and that doesn't work when a fellow has to get up at 6.45 or 7 every morning.

Sunday night we were over at Ainslie's and didn't get in till 11.30 because two of Aunt Maggie's nephews Archie and Clarence Donald were there and when we were ready to leave Douglas insisted on taking them home in the car and having us go with them. The boys live about two miles west of where we are and we had a dandy drive although it was raining a little. On Monday Lawrence and I went down to the 92nd Highlanders' club rooms on Yonge St. We had a swim in the swimming tank and then played checkers and read magazines andc. till after 11. They have a fine place down there and the swimming tank is the best part of it. It is about 8 feet deep and the water is quite warm and clear as crystal. I was talking with some of the 92nd men and they say we are to have their quarters for barracks (i.e. the Old Gen. Hospital on Gerrard St.) when they move out. They expect to go in March.

On Wed. night we went to hear (or see?) a play in the Grand Theatre entitled "In Old Kentucky." It was a southern drama and was certainly great.

The 134th is nearly up to strength now and today we were organized into permanent sections. Each man was allowed to choose his section and Lawrence and I and 4 other young chaps whom we have become acquainted with went together in the same section. We will be quartered together when we go into barracks and I'm sure we'll get along well for they are fine jolly fellows. The other six men (there are 12 to a section) are or seem to be at any rate quite a nice bunch although they are considerably older than we are.

Lawrence and I have joined the D Co. mouth-organ band. It consists of about twenty mouth-organs and a kettle-drum, and whenever our company is out on a short march we supply the music. You know the brass band and the pipe hand only parade when the battalion is out in full force. Our Co. has also formed a basketball team and a soccer team. Lawrence is going to play the former and I think I will go in for the latter. I don't care much for basketball but I like soccer.

I must have forgotten to tell you I saw Gordon. The first Sunday we were here Harold had Gordon and Fred Huffman in to see him and he called us up and told us to go over. Gordon looks O.K. and so does Fred. (I suppose you remember him)

Oh! by the way before I forget, I must congratulate you. I see your old oratorical power has not deserted you for I feel quite satisfied that you won the debate. I wish I could have been there to hear it. And the sumptious repast!!! That's where I shine. And speaking of eats brings to mind the fact that I've entirely neglected to tell you how much we enjoyed that exquisite box of fudge. Harold enjoyed it especially for he ate nearly half of it himself the great big porker. Unfortunately (or fortunately? for there was that much more for the rest of us) Harry didn't get any of it for it hadn't been opened when he left. Without any joking though it was really delicious.

I got a letter from Harry B. today and his glowing description of the new teacher tallies pretty well with the one you gave me - especially the lower lip. Harry says he thinks he will enlist as soon as his birthday comes round - school has now no attraction for him.

Frank Keillor enlisted this week in the 109th battalion. You know he was turned down before Xmas but now he has been accepted.

I am still waiting for an answer to the card I sent Violet La [?] etc. I guess she must have smelled a mice when I've said she didn't remember my address. That does sound rather superstitious.

Well, here it is going on ten o'clock and I swore (to myself) that I was going to bed at nine sharp so I'd better cut this or I'll be writing all night. I guess your dad will be ready for dinner by the time you've gone over all this stuff anyway so I'll bid you "Goodnight" Tell your mother that this letter has orders not to leave the office till after the meal is over (at any rate - till the meal is cooked)


P.S. no.2 - I should think you are behind time when you start dating your letters 1915.

P.S. no 3 - Address my letters as usual. The other won't be necessary till we go to barracks although I guess it would find me all right.