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Date: October 3rd 1943
Mother and Dad
Harry Clark

A.99625. Bdr. H.E.O. Clark,
R.H.Q. 21 Field Regt RCA
Canadian Army, Overseas.

3 October, 1943.

Dear Mother & Dad:

Very glad to receive your air mail letter of 23 Sept 43 the other day and also your parcel containing sweater, socks, pears and oranges. I am sorry to say that the pears were in no fit condition to eat because of the length of time that had elapsed, but I was able to eat the oranges, and believe me they tasted o.k. I also received your order of £5, and this was very much appreciated. Could you tell me how much it cost in Canadian currency to send it to me. You know that whatever it costs, you are to take it out of my assigned pay. I don't think I shall have to send for any more, as I can get along very nicely now. In connection with the sending of oranges, I hear that if they are waxed, as you have mentioned, they will get here o.k.

I was quite surprised to hear that you had a letter from Dorothy McCready. I received a couple of letters from her forwarded on from Debert, N.S., which I replied to. It must keep you busy writing replies to these maidens, but I hope you wrote her a nice letter because she is a nice girl.

I haven't been down to see Uncle Isiah and Aunt Jessie as yet, but I have their address at Cyphus Road, and thanks for giving it to me, as I would have gone to Trindle Road. I haven't received my privilege leave as they call it over here yet, but I plan to visit as many relatives as I possibly can. Aunt Millie has asked me to come to her home first. By the way, I find that I am not very far away from where Cousin Leslie Clark lives, and I am going to try and see him and his wife Mary and three year old son before very long.

The other day I had quite a surprise. I was sent down to see the Personnel Selection Officers, along with another chap, at a camp not very far away. The Selection Officer interviews chaps for O.C.T. but whether I shall go to Officers Candidate Training Unit, I don't know yet. At any rate, if I don't go there, the Adjutant has recommended me for a Sergeancy, so thats something. Well, any way at another Camp nearby, I ran into Sammy Kennedy and Jack Fickling. I also saw the Masterson boy, who is in the R.C.R.'s, but he didn't recognize me. They haven't been here very long but they know where I can get in contact with Jack & Murray Ferguson and Gerald Moffatt. I asked Jack to write to me when he learns Jack's address, so I can meet him sometime and "chew the fat".

You don't have to worry about me picking up with "strange women" as you call it, because even if I do go out with any girls they have to be the best, because I am a mighty particular man. I have been to such places as Woking, Staines, & Redding. Do you recognize those places. I think I have given you practically all the news. Needless to say, I am fine and feeling well. Do take care of yourselves, and don't worry. All the best and God Bless You, Mother & Dad.
Your Loving Son:


P.S Thelma has a Birthday on the 15th of Oct. You might send her a card and wish her many Happy Returns of the day from me.