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Date: March 24th 1917
Roderick Anderson Todd

Mar 24-17

Dear Maw

A big mail hit us yesterday I got 8 letters all in a bunch after many weary days of waiting glad to hear that Isabel is over her sick spell which she mentioned in a letter to me- arriving by same mail as yours. She sent me several photo's which were very bou. They certainly look good to me. So she intends becoming a nurse- hope she lasts at the job but am very doubtful. I bet she marries her first patient.

I am sending you 2 souvenir buttonhooks and 1 paper knife. They are made from Canadian buttons. Imperial button French cartridges. The blade of the paper knife is made from a French .18lb shell case. Take your pick of the set and ship one button hook to Jean Davidson and the remaining article to Isabel. Packing material is hard to get here so am sending them all to you for distribution.

Blake is still at some Base hospital. He was O.K when last we heard of him and hoped to get back with the unit. I hope he gets back here soon.

So old Paddy is once more around town. I'm glad that he enjoys coming to the house and will certainly be overjoyed to head north with Fenton and fish next spring. I think that Paddy thinks that our house is a sort of home for [?] and hope he will always keep on with the idea.

You ought to have one wild exciting time when Paddy and the Prestons meet. He and Dorothy ought to get on well together.

So dear Violet is not married. Many thanks for the joyful news- my heart sank a mile when I heard the rumour that she had forsaken me. Well. Carry on.

Your Valentine Napkin was great stuff. I could see that sweet red haired Doll coming around the corner with a couple of maple nut sundaes in her [?] . Say but my…….. water some … going to pack the napkin with me so that in the hot dry summer days I can look at it and picture to myself cool electric fans- shaded nooks- tall cool glasses and pretty girls. Um- and some

I met … Harold Eads several … ago and we had quite a conflab together. He is looking well. Pass the news on to his Maw. I also ran into Trent Cole Winslry and together we fished in the Saanick Arm and hunted deer over the Sooke Hills. He seen a pretty fine so… man, but evidently has his worries. He asked me to mention that I had seen him.

Got a letter from Bill the other day from somewhere in France. I hope to see him before long and he promised to look me up at the first chance. It certainly would be great dope to meet him. I'd like to put in a few more summers with him in Francois Country.

Say those socks are beauties. They look exactly alike. I can't tell shich is the right and which is the left, so … then on alternate feet alternate … You catch the idea I think. Your parcel was a peach- just … miss most. Your idea of sending the stuff from England is great. Say if you have a huge surplus of cash around home send me over $15 or $20. Don't do this unless you can absolutely afford it. Remember now.

I will be much annoyed if you send it otherwise Compre?

Things have been pretty quiet here lately. We are at present running a hospital- no serious cases. Lee and I still have time for hikes and occasional feeds of eggs and chips. Spring is here now and soon we expect to have fine weather in abundance. France is certainly a pretty country in fine weather although I would not enjoy living here always. There are not enough mountains around to sent me. Isabel is right when she says that when she says that when she goes to Chicago she will miss the mountains and lakes of old B.C. They certainly have a wonderful attraction about them.

All the boys are looking very well especially old Sea Ants enclosing a photo on photo's of myself and him which I hope you will find satisfactory. Tell Paddy that I will write soon! and remember to keep yourself in the best of health. Regards to all hands. How is the Lovejoy Family making out. I bet that Dick is some bouncing boy now. Well this is where I quit.

Your loving son

Am feeling fine.

Original Scans

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