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Date: March 24th 1864

Hospital 111st Regt. N.Y. Vols
March 24, 1864

My dear Mamma,

I received yours of the 11th all right and would have answered it sooner but had no stamps and could get none here for love nor money. I am glad that you are all well. You must not fret about me. I shall get along well enough. We are encamped on the hills about 2 miles from the river rapids on the other side of which is the Rebel encampment but they cannot have much more than half as many men as we have. We are likely to remain here a month or so longer as the weather is so uncertain here in Virginia that an Army might get stuck in the mud the day after breaking up and marching. Our Hospital like all the other Regimental Hospitals about large enough to hold a half a dozen kids if we have any very bad cases they are sent off to the General Hospital at Washington. My duties are putting up medicine for the sick, making out the Morning Reports, keeping the Hospital accounts and so on. I believe I shall get $21 per month. There has nothing of any consequence happened since I arrived here. All has been quiet and monotonous but I suppose there will be excitement enough after a while. The Brigade was under arms one day last week for about 2 hours. Intelligence came that Stewart with 10.000 Cavalry had crossed the Rapidary to make a raid on us but it turned out a false alarm. So old Mrs. Kirkpatrick is dead and Tom MacKlew has opened a store in Chippawa. Do you think he will make enough to pay expenses. I doubt it very much. I suppose you have it muddy enough about this time. Virginia is a very pretty country rolling land for the most part, but it is devastated all the fences burned houses burnt and not an inhabitant to be seen. Culpeper is about six miles form here and I can see it from the hill on which we are encamped. I intend to try and ride over there tomorrow but I have a role of being picker up by the Provost Guard. I think it has been a beautiful little town before this war broke out. [?]is the farm to be worked this year on shares or otherwise.

Write soon and with love to Papa and Rhoda
Believe me to remain
Your affectionate son
Donald M. Forbes

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