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Dear Ma:

I got your letter the other day and it was sort of unexpected as the time goes so fast you never realise it. However I was very glad to receive it. I guess you will really be hard at it now with all those cows. I guess I knew just as soon as you of Bill's [his brother] luck in getting a chance to go and see what its all about. I won't be able to find out for another seven months anyhow.

I was called up today for an interview on my past, present and future of all my relatives. Its about the fifteenth time now. I had a night vision test to see if I had cat's eyes but I have no idea how I made out. I could see a little.

Knobby Clark from Calgary was in to see us today. He says that he and another couple of the old Galt gang will be up here in weeks. I hope they make it as we all started together. We have a math exam on Friday. It is a mid-term test. It doesn't seem possible but next week is halfway. So far I haven't found anything particularly hard except it is so particular. My mathematics sure do come in handy around here. I have been showing Cooper my roomate of the past year or so a lot of stuff on maths. When you try telling someone else you really learn it yourself.

I cut off the assignment of pay so don't be worried if you don't get the check this month. I sort of wish that I had left it at twenty a month even now as I never get time to spend any dough now anyhow. I'll get about thirty-five next pay as I didn't get all my pay this time but I still have a months pay in my pocket. We have been down town twice since coming here and that was Sat. afternoon and last Saturday night before last.

We have a C.O.'s parade every morning on this station but it never amounts to much. Generally speaking this is a very good station. Meals are good and quarters are the best. They are the dormitories of the university.

We went through the gas chamber the other day but it didn't amount to much. We put on our respirators and went in for a few minutes and came out none the worse.

We get a lecture on engines tomorrow and the instructor admits that he doesn't know much about them, only what is in the book so I guess it won't be much of a lecture. That is one subject we should knock off the marks on. There is some theory of flight and what makes the plane do what too, and it is right up our alley. Signals will be the hardest I think. I got everything he sent today in two hours with only two mistakes so I guess I'll get my speed up by May 1st.

They drained some more blood out of me the other day. I seem to hit all those tests. I had one in the hospital at Christmas, one just after New Years and now another one. They just stick a needle into you and let the blood run into a bottle and then give you a little pad to hold on the hole till it clogs up. They'll soon have me sucked dry.

A new class came in this week so we are no longer the rookies around here. They are getting bigger classes all long now and really have things under control. This is one station where the officers know their work and drill and seem to use their head for more than a hat rack.

Well I guess I'll just have to quit as the lights are going out any minute now, so just make sure you keep Pa working. I'd hate to see him get lazy on you. I guess it is a it hard for him to find anything to do around there.

So long,
Love JBB.D.

P.S. No envelopes last night so will mail this tonight.
Mid-term in Navigation next Thurs. so you won't here from me for some time again.