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Date: November 11th 1862

Nov. 11, 1862

My Dear Mamma

I hardly know how to commence this letter. You have just sent me a good overcoat for which I should thank you in the first place and I suppose you thought that ought to satisfy me for this winter but I am sorry to say that such is not the case and that while thanking you for the overcoat I must at the same time beg of you to send me something to get another or to pay for one I have already got but hasten to say before you blame me for getting into debt. Now if you consider the matter for a moment you will see the necessity of my doing as I have done. In the first place I had no coat to wear in the shop this winter. Last winter I wore the one you bought me in Drummondville before I left Chippawa and I finished that as I think you would acknowledge yourself if you saw it. This spring you know I got a suit with the money you sent me for that purpose. Well they are summer things and they have lasted me all summer and I suppose the pants will have to last me all winter too for Sunday but I was oblige positively to get a new coat for the shop. I could not go on (even if it would last) shivering through the winter with a light summer coat on - true I have a great coat but I could not run and put that on every little job I had to do outside such as running down to the post office, bringing in wood, etc. and how long would it look respectable if I did? In view then of all these reasons and Papa when he was up here not seeming inclined to do anything for me this winter, I borrowed the money from Dr. Hoyt with whom I am well acquainted and who has been a friend to me and as he did not think at the time that he would be in need of it for some time, I thought I should not have occasion to mention the matter to you at all. But unfortunately the Dr. has unexpectedly to pay a note of $250 and he said to me that though he did not like to ask me for the $7.00 he lent me so soon yet he was hard pressed for money to collect to pay this note. I told him at once that I could write home and get it for him for I am sure you would not like him to be put to any inconvenience by doing much kindness. He must have it if I have to work by the day for it. I have no flannels but I suppose they are not to be thought of. I would not care much about them if I had a couple more shirts such as Papa got me last Christmas. They are a splendid shirt but the ones I have are worn out. My boots also want half soleing for the winter. The shirts would be 4 and the boots 1 dollar making $12. with what I won the Dr. I also need collars and a lot of minor articles but will do without them for know I am a great expense to you but I must have clothes for I am wearing them out all the time and getting nothing for it. You must try and bear with me for a little longer in the spring I will do something if I live. If I stay out the winter here I will then have had considerable experience. The Great Coat you sent me as I saw by your note last Wednesday will not arrive here until Monday, taking 5 days on the road. I think if it had not been pre-paid the Express Company would have forwarded it quicker. When did you hear from Rhoda. I hope she is getting on well. But I must now conclude, hoping Papa will be satisfied with my reasons for requiring the twelve dollars but if it is impossible to let me have them send at all events the seven. You may excuse this writing for I write always in such a hurry that I cannot be expected to do it well. With love to Papa and Rhoda,
I remain, Your affectionate son, Donald M. Forbes

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