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Date: February 2nd 1917

675928 G. Co C.E.F.
6th Batt. 1st Brigade.
East Sandling Camp
(Friday 2/2/17)
p.s. Had letter from A.White which I will enclose.

My Own Darling Kitty,

I cannot tell you hoe pleased I was to receive your welcome letter as I was so worried & lonely & was longing to hear from you my pet. It's your letters that keep me alive as they are just like a wee bit of your dear self. I read them over & over again then sit down & picture it all & wish I was with you love.

Now my sweetheart I would have written you last night but I went down to Folkstone to get your brooch dear & also one for Mother dear.

I hope you will like them sweetheart I just think they're cute. I did not notice until just this minute that there's a flaw in one of them, right under the leaf at the edge of the "mother of pearl" there's a wee chip out, but I don't think it will hurt & I can't get another in exchange because these were the last two they had. It will serve for a distinguishing mark so you wont get them mixed

Well sweetheart I did not manage to get my week end as they were all cancelled on account of the draft being picked out. There was 30 of them went to France yesterday (including Jimmy only, not Grit). Don't worry about my health love I'm all right, but "my bark is worse than my bite" I'm just "swinging the lead" as they say here, so that I won't go to France. I think I'll have a shot at the bombing as it's not bad work, Mother dear had heard it was a dangerous job, but you see here they only teach the preliminary work & seldome handle live bombs

Oh! dear I think we'll soon end this war now. I was talking to a lad from Glasgow in the "Imperials" who has been in France for 15 months & was just going back from pass & he said we had them just scared to death & our guns were lined up wheel to wheel & we were turning out twice the munitions they are. Gee! You must have had quite a time with all you old pals, eh? How I wished I could have been with you dearest I would love to meet them all, I would'nt be a bit shy. I don't wonder at everyone wanting to see our little darling as she's such a dear, she certainly has her DaDa's appetite. Little Sonny must take after his mother regarding his food as Maggie is a small eater.

Freddy is going to leave me soon you remember he signed up with the Engineers, well he along with about 30 more are going down to Crowborough, Sussex & take a course in Mining & Tunnelling. I suppose he'll be there for a month or so, then he'll be shipped to France. I almost wish I was going down to take the course too, it would be a change & I don't have to pass & go to France & a fellow might strike some good job there, I put in my name today with them but I dont suppose I'll get. Anything's better than this.

We moved into other huts yesterday & I had to clean them up, they were filthy dirty, we just get a hut nicely cleaned up when they move us. This will make 8 different huts since we arrived in England. We have had some real cold weather this week & quite a bit of snow, enough for sleighing & I am glad I am in by the stove I don't mind "hut orderly's job" at all I get most of the afternoon to myself. I went to the Pleasure Gardens Theater in Folkstone last night & saw the "Razzle Dazzle Company, mostly girls & they were great they all dressed up in kilts & had the bag pipes & did sward dances, & gee they did it swell there was about 40 girls, each with a sword & shield & wearing 4 different Tarten's, then they put on an Indian scene & had the Niagra Falls as a background, It was great. How I wished you had been there too.

Freddy says as soon as they get to Crowborough they're going to put in for a six day pass. Oh! my darling I wished I could get one. I am just longing to see you my darling I dream of it night & day, I think what a time we'll have eh? dearest oh! darling loved one I love you so much.

Now sweetheart I going to ask you to send me a little money as I am nearly broke& I like to have a shilling or two in my pocket & they just paid us a few shillings last Monday. It takes me so much to live, I can't exit on the army grub dear. don't bother if you are short love but if you can spare me 10[?] I'd be ever so pleased love.

Well now dear I must close now as I'm tired & the boys want some coal as we are out & the fire's getting low. So give Mother & Daddy, Maggie& Little Sonny my best love. & Give my darling babe a big hug & kisses & accept heaps of love & kisses galore to your dear self. Goodbye & God bless you my love

I am as ever
Your devoted hubby

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