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Date: June 24th 1944

June 24th 1944

Well here it is the day after our forty-eight and tonight I'm more than ready for bed.

Our plans didn't materialize, so Larry and I left Thursday afternoon for Birmingham. We were finished work at noon on Wednesday, but just hung around and slept until the next day, caught the 1 o'clock train and got there about 2. We found a decent hotel, checked our things, and then started looking the city over. After getting lost several times we finally found a half decent place to eat, and after supper went to a dance. It was a better than average place, but there were a lot of Yanks, and since I don't jitter, found it a trifle dull until I found a really swell girl who didn't like to throw herself all over the place. We had a good time there until 11 when all the places close, so went home to bed.

Got up early, had breakfast at the hotel and then started shopping. I got a few hard pencils, cellophane or plastic triangle, pencil box, rubbers, etc., and Larry got a few things too. The rest of the morning I spent looking for a Barathea Battle dress jacket without success. After dinner we went to a show, "The Fallen Sparrow" with John Garfield and Maureen O'Hara. It really wasn't too bad. After that we spent a few hours before train time looking the city over. There isn't anything of any importance there, and on the whole reminds me a lot of Hamilton.

The train was an hour late getting back here, but we didn't miss the bus back to camp. Went up to the mess to see about the flying schedule, and to my pleasant surprise, found four letters. Three from home and one from Ruth Mac. Gosh it was swell to hear from you. They were the first letters in almost three weeks: May 31, June 4 and 12th, but I guess the service going the other way is much worse.

You mentioned in your letters about Gladys Taylor being married, but didn't say who to. I guess old Tom must have used the shotgun on the poor fellow. I heard Pat was being married, but still it seems funny.

Speaking of funny things, I still can't get used to going to those restaurants over here. They have a menu, but why, I don't know. As a rule it's sausage and I'm getting so sick of them it isn't even funny.

When we got back last night after going to the mess, Larry and I went back to his hut and had a little bit more of the parcels-chicken à la king and cheese, fruit cake and cookies, and I still have some soup, cheese, cookies, fruit cake and chocolate left, but we're rationing ourselves until Santa Claus comes again to one of us. Gosh it's surprising just what it does to a person.

We flew on high level bombing today, but vis. was so poor we couldn't see the ground, and then closed in until you could hardly see a mile from 3000 ; and of course with no navigational equipment we got lost, and after about an hour got back safe and sound.

They're having a Salute the Soldier week on the camp this week and the finale is today, so it was a half holiday for everyone with a carnival, races & grand dance tonight; but instead I came back to the hut and went to sleep.

Tomorrow three of us, Ray, another fellow and I have a six hour cross country; so by tomorrow night I know I'll be dead tired. Here's hoping I get along well.

I see I'm going to have a tremendous bill for that pooch when I get back, or did I say that before? I guess I better give him a talking to.

It was certainly good news to hear about Storey's Here's hoping Ted stays on, however, I doubt it very much. He'll have quite a time staying out of the army now.

Well, must sign off for now. Don't work too hard & take care of yourselves. Write soon.