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Date: September 18th 1916
Mary (Wife)
Roy Gullen

Bramshott England

Sept 18/16

Dear Mary

Received yours of the 4th to day was glad to here that your are well as you are You did not say if your money is all paid in or not other mens wives keep them posted how their money is paid. as for one fighting for Canada it's all talk it's all right to be able to say I've been over to the Old Country, but We would be better if we were a part of U.S.A their are showing this Country up as for morals goes this country is all self praise & run down in morals & advancement new ideas look for miles around here nothing but leaves trees hedges heather ferns & mold no fruit saloons & bad women talk talk talk We could make milk or cheese out in the foot hills but here goats can hardly live I am not like mother like to be gossiping a lot of the time. I like room to bleath hear you feel as if you had a load on you all the time we have been back from the West 2 years now & the children are no better than they would have been out their Don & Stan are not as far as they would have been if had some stock As I was going to say Canada will be glad to be part of U S A and a great many fellow are thinking the same the Pte's get all the calling down & if you saw the hundreds of wounded fellows that come in to this Hospital you would say the nation is not worth it now since they allowed the other nation to go & prepare for so long. this Camp are mostly all Canadians if it had not been for the sparrows voting for a glass of liquor we would have been better fixed now a days. such as Geo & Fred & I should not do anything for this country. but I said they are getting this country (Canada) in debt. I will join up for the money, and if you do not like mt views of it write and say so. you have seen a sample of the English which I told you they are like and these English are not joining up like the Australians or Can. and they get the big jobs now I hope it will turn out allright for me & my kiddies. I am glad the well is fixed. hope you have enough money. but neve talk about fighting for this Country you know I am getting money for my kiddies. Marguerite wrote a good new's letter wish You would write a little more girlish & let M post her letters quicker. she did write a dandy letter. I am sorry I did not think of kids birthday but was thinking of them all the time they will have the Post cards of some Places I was at in London by now which will be as good. I do not get the words all right but I can let you know what is going on. We got a lb on the 15th again which will not last long if they do not cook better We have to buy things to live on and it is terrable dear to have some of your bread & puddings fruit ect ect how are the peaches selling. eggs are 8 each pairs are 4 each everything is way up in g except women get them for nothing. tell Don to try and write a letter he can if he tries. Don I have got my name down for job so I will not go to the front if I am called out to go at it. glad to hear you were ironing one day hope you are growing strong every day so some day we will work together. I will try and help you in your own ways and show you what I know of them. I am going to help you without hurting your feelings and work so that you will not be mad at me. you boys & girls are good kids & I want you to think I I am a good old dad I like that way you talk the way you look and the way you act and you are good looking It rained all night last night up till nearly noon. have done a lot of my washing untill now I sent Sat. a bundle to the Wash I am wearing my underwear now so will send it. had to sew two buttons on to day. had to get some shoe polish & button polish I had to take some straw out of my tick so I could stay in bed they are to small I would roll off I sleep very good now I wake up allways in the night but go to sleep again quite soon again. I was dreaming about you Mary last night you and I were sitting together laughing about a funny thing to another fellow I could see you all very plain. What words is Ruth trying to say now. hope M & Ruth's dresses will turn out good will be glad to get a piece of them tell Bruce the Water was very salty and black & cold. deeper than the trees. but if dad could walk on it he would try to get home quick If we had a refreshment store here we would make a good living tea and lunches are in great demand & papers cards & fruit

I have a new coat. will get a new cap shoes & socks in a day or two my black socks are the best yet they do not make my feet hot the white ones are all gone so it will soon be cold enough for these heavy ones took a walk out to Hindhead a little town about 3 miles away yesterday. I always go to the Army night and morning church they have good noisie times and lots go forward Foster went up one night now he is talking about it but he think he will smoke & swear just the same the pipe is making him thin & pale but he will keep on. I am not as good as I would like to be but I do not have to go forward & make a big noise to be good or get up and get excited and tell a lot of things which I know some are not so that they say they have for any person has bad thoughts which they are sorry for & have to be forgiven again & again. Well it is terrable the way things are going up in price hope gas is not to high for you and that you get lots of it have you the lights fixed. we have one electric light in hut it does not light my bed ata ll but I am better without it. we are getting a stove up to day burns coal I am 5 beds away just about rite. I make my bed very good now tuck the blankets under the tick bottom & sides after a while will put my overcoat on top I have that old little one from home yet

I wrote our Folks a line the other day but I suppose you read some of the letters to them I will try and write Grampa Kettle We are going to get our rifle in a few days now getting it over new again. we are having it strict now 7 day field punishment for a smile or a look I have not had any yet but no telling I have showed them up good so far though. got what I wanted always. Well will get o good cup of tea and go to bed

love to all and bushels of kisses

dad Roy


P.S. Will write a little to you each next time kids

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