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Date: October 31st 1916
Mary (Wife)
Roy Gullen

France Oct 31/16

Dear little Mary

Sunny France is very wet just now have to change coats often. keep rubber sheet on when it looks like rain, but have my old stomach ache yesterday & to day. I keep asking myself each day if this is Mary's hard longe day on the 27th seemed to strike me as if it was the day. if I had only told you to register some of your letters would have had some in this camp but will soon go up the line to our new Batt were the mail is. this camp will be taken over by the Australians sometime soon. quite a few thousand have come & gone out of here since we came some coming and going every day never know just when you have to be called out it is not much use writing only to tell I am thinking of you very much & often. this town is very long about as large as Hamilton every thing very dear I priced a pair of drawers they wanted 5 [?] francs $1.60 I got a pair of boxing tights for 2 fr but they were black a pair of gloves 1 fr 7d 34 some of the women look like Canadians in dress but the lingo soon lets you know who they are. the propritor of the store could talk a little. the street cars have girl conductors but they run just any old way no set time they are very snapy some times if she thinks a fellow has not paid she will make him pay again & overcharge some fellows

some real good concerts in hear every night or so some ladies & Y.M.C.A. & Warant Oficers gave a dandy the other night one Oficer was an old hand at it used to get good money at it one lady recited some good ones The Army stue, The Army Transport Mule The shooting of Dan McGrue. it all helps to pass the time away quickly. one keeps wondering if he goes back when & what time of year though. I will try and get through the winter in good shape after that things may be better. you folks will have to be careful of the gas, dampness colds etc etc my little dearies if you could get some one to help with the work, do not try to do it all let it go some way. I often wonder if it's worth all canada is doing it will take a longe time to tell, for the common folks have always had to pay here as well as elsewhere if not just as much, just because the old one did not bring the young one up rite. this talk of being the best on ocean will always make trouble. it will always make trouble, but do not let trouble trouble you as the saying is (some people always gets mixed up in trouble) but canada was'nt to blame. there is to be a picture view in here to night it will help me forget my stomach. I hope your stomach ache will soon be over this picture is great to have I can tell you O for that glourious time when we can realy see each other may God hasten the time when we shall meet again one good famil

(dear little giant)


Marguerite Don, Stan, Jack, Bruce, Ruth (climax)

Your old man Roy

Original Scans

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