Sept. 20th/17
My Dear Jessie,
Have not had any mail from home for some time, but I heard their was some mail in today, but I have not had a chance to go after it yet. I am at the Dive school now taking a course, an N.C.Os course; it is quite easy, so am having quite an easy time. We have a big Y.M.C.A here and all kinds of chance for sports a tennis court included I was over last night and had a few games, sets rather. The Batt'n is out of the line now and will be for a few days. I saw Donnie[?] fortnight; they are only across the way a piece I think he got a letter or two from home, they were pretty late written in July sometime I think.
Well! how is everything going at home anyway. Suppose you are having a fine time with that old car ah! I think I could enjoy a ride in one of those things quite well now, no doubt you make a quicker trip with the mail now, than we used to with the colt or the mare.
Well! I don't think I have anything more to say so good-bye. Love to father and rest.
From loving bro