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Date: March 10th 1945
Margaret & Marie Harber – (sisters)
Lloyd Harber

L/Cpl. Harber T.L.
1st. Batl. Q.O.R. of C.
A. Coy. C.A.O.
March 10/45

Dear Marg and Marie,–

Hello girls here I am again and still writing you from dear old Germany. At the moment I am sitting in a big German farm house kitchen at the end of a long woodden table about which sit a gang of comrades doing the same thing. Some others are at the stove cooking hamburg meat and frying steaks and chips that of course have all been scrounged. Up until to-day and for the past four days I have been getting rather a good feed of eggs, but we can’t have eggs and eat chicken too. There are also civilians living in the house, all the German civilians I have seen, seem to be very religious. We watch them say their prayers every night in front of the kitchen stove all in a group. They are mostly all Roman Catholics and have numerous statues and [hold?] pictures in every room of the house. When we see all this it is rather hard to believe and treat these same people as our enemies.

 I haven’t been talking to Morgan since our last rest but he asked me then to pass on to you his most and sincerest devoted love. He still has trouble with his feet I imagine he will be left as cook until the durations which doesn’t seem to be very far away at present.

I received the picture you sent Marg: I think in fact I’m sure it is the best one I have ever seen of you. Your eyes if you don’t mind me saying so are in the right spot. I also received yesterday two air mail forms from you. I am glad your play turned out the way you wanted it too.

We have been having it rather soft since I last wrote you. We are not exactly in the front lines right now but back of them quite a distance.

Oh yes from now on you can address my mail as L/Cpl. instead of Rfn. If you wish. I thought I would accept the promotion because it means 10 cents a day more and is also a handy thing to have for a good many other reasons that is safer not to relate to you in a letter right now. I will be wearing two black and red hooks on each arm for your information.

Well girls I hope you are both feeling fine and in top notch condition as for myself I am in the best of health.

I’ll keep you posted as best as I can, “so long” for now.

Your big loving brother

[signature added in the margin at the end of the letter (likely that of the censoring officer)]

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