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Date: November 2nd 1941
Leona Cadman - (sister)
Dawson Butler

Camp Borden
Nov 2 1941.

Dear Leona and all:-

Well I suppose you have been wondering why I havent answered sooner but I thought I’d wait until I had something to say. I got your letter a couple of weeks ago and was glad to hear that you are all fine, I am fine at least feeling good, putting on some weight too. I am up here at Borden now, we came up in a truck from Newmarket and I got a nice cold in my throat sure felt tough for a couple of days. I am getting further away from home all the time but both the train and buses come and go here so I guess I can get out all right, I think I’ll take the train it takes me closer to home than the bus but maybe won’t make any better time. I don’t get out this week but expect to next week, and I sure will be glad to get home because Donna always has a big supper for me. This sure is a big place, just like a city streets and every thing and I do mean everything. The airplanes, trucks, tanks, motorcyles are going all the time. A couple of us started out walking the other night and nearly got lost.

I sure got a great surprise the other day, you know the mess halls are about ten yards apart and joined with the kitchen, I was coming along in line and somebody over in the other mess hall says “Hello Daws” and who do you think it was but Keith Macpherson I nearly fell over. I knew he was here some place but never thought of meeting him like that, he is just two huts from me, imagine that, we sure had a good talk I’ll say. He has been home once since he’s been here and is going again this week-end. I suppose the folks at home have been looking for Donna and I home but we didn’t seem to be able to make the grade, I sure would like to get home before Xmas, we will try it but I’m not sure. Donna is still at her job in the rubber factory, she sure is a wonderful worker if I do have to say it myself. She has her little house pretty well fixed up now, takes a lot when one moves don’t it. I suppose you are pretty well settled by now, John still holds his job eh, I guess if anybody could he can.

This is sure a lot bigger than Newmarket, it was just a school almost, although one corporal felt bad when we left, the Salvation Army gave us all a couple of chocolate bars before we left, they sure use the soldiers good, they have shows here every night for the boys There is one place here that puts on a show for fifteen cents it is the biggest place I have ever seen, they have all the latest pictures there, they come here as soon as their done in Toronto, it sure is some place. I would like to go to Barrie to-day but it is raining pretty hard, I want to get my picture taken and give it to mother for Xmas, I bet she sure worries about me, after all I guess I can’t blame her much. I have got to get home and see her though. Well Leona I guess thats about all for now so I hope this finds you all in good health and good cheer.

Write soon
Your Brother

B64734 Rfm, E.D. Butler
A10, 5 Coy, I.A.T.C.
Camp Borden

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