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Date: May 18th 1942
Mother – (Mary Stubbs)
Anthony Stubbs

May 18, 1942

Dear Mother:

I have just learned that starting tomorrow night our hut is on duty watch for a week which means light fatigues from 6 to 10 each evening. I think the chief idea is to keep somebody in the station in the evenings which means not much time for letter writing.

Dad asks if we have spring beds. Oh yes we have double decker spring beds and a sheet parade once a week.

On Saturday 9th we had our drill contest. Of the three flights we were 2nd but had been here the shortest time. Afterwards we moved up to C squadron now called No 3 Wing due to a reorganization. This necessitated moving to a new hut slightly closer to the mess hall but much more crowded and with less wash basins. Something was wrong somewhere for the next day we moved to another hut, two huts farther from the mess but otherwise the same. I now get up at 6:15 so as to be sure to get a place to shave in time. Lights out is 11:00 so you can see I never get more than seven hours sleep.

On Sunday we had another tiring inspection by the C. O. This was the last of them though for they now take place on Saturday morning. Also church parade is no longer compulsory provided you are away from the depot by 8:30 so that Sunday is more like a holiday but you still cannot sleep in.

Our usual daily program now starts with falling in at 8:10 and drill not too strenuously until 11:00. Then P. T. till 11:45. Recently this has not been as strenuous either—I think too many must have been complaining.

After lunch we have a wireless class and drill or some sort of lecture until 4:30 when the working day is over. In our new wing drill seems less strict and ten minute smokes last half an hour or so. I get the impression that all we have to learn here could be done in half the time.

We have had two route marches so far. I enjoy them more than drill as there is something to see and we can march at ease. The only thing we have to do is keep in step and that is easy as there is always a drummer on these occasions. We are only out for a couple of hours also.

Thursday was pay day and quite an ordeal as the whole depot is paid on the same day. It means shuffling along in a slow moving line for an hour or so if your [sic] lucky. It is a wonder it comes out right as we just covered the whole floor of the arena.

I still have my position as marker when we fall in in the morning when our C. O. is in the parade ground but during the day we change around so as to give all of us experience in various positions. One day I had to march our flight over to the P. T. field. It is good to get experience now as we all have to pass drill tests at I. T. S.

On Thursday Dick’s friend and I had supper with F/Lt Prieur and his wife. There was another fraternity brother there who is an instructor at the observers school. I hope that one day he will be able to find room in a bomber going to Vancouver when I get my 72-hour pass in the next wing.

We actually had a little snow and 20 degrees of frost on the night of the above supper party.

With love from


[Note: Transcription provided by collection donor.]


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