March 27th
My Dear wife and daughter
At last I received word from you, in the shape of three letters yesterday, I can tell you I was glad. In regards to me writing letters every week, well I dont think I miss very many, but Ill try and do better in the future. So tomorrow is Sweethearts birthday, well I wish her all kinds of good things and luck, I wish I was there with you, I hope she gets the handkerchief I sent her. She says that she can talk plain now, Im glad to hear that, I hope that she will keep on steady at school. If I ever do come across a fellow named Ketchum, Ill let you know. You need not bother sending note paper I can get all I want of that, Well you write about the bad weather out their but it could’nt be any worse than here, its all mud and slush. So MacDonald has moved, I hope you dont get any worse neighbor, it wont be too bad. Say hello to Bert and Jack for me, and tell Bert that I had quite a few Bottles of Champagne on him. Oh say did Mac ever give you one of them famous roosters that he promised? News is scarse around here Kiddo so Ill have to ring off same address.
I remain
Your loving husband
to Hughina from Daddy boy.