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Date: December 18th 1918
Nerta Davis – (sister)
Worth Davis


My Dear Nerta,

While I am waiting for the sheets from a convoy, I will get a few lines off to you. I tried to get a letter written yesterday, but could not make it. I am leaving in the morning for Paris and after a few days there, will go further south.

More Canadian mail came in to-night but it is older than some we have had. I have your letter of Dec 1st but the money order has not come yet and I will have to get along on what I now have. Don’t know just how much this will be till I get paid to-night.

I am quite agreeably surprised that you are so much interested in your work, and am sure you will be O.K. To tell you the truth, I was rather afraid you would not like it any too well, but I am sure it is interesting to say the least.

My application for Blighty furlough from Feby. 1st to May 31st, has been forwarded from here, but it will probably be three weeks before we hear anything more about it.

I think the “Thermoz” kit will come in mighty handy no matter where I go as there are always times that we can use them. If I don’t go to London and we are not demobilized as a unit, it will come in most useful, believe me. Thanks very much for it.

I will likely be pretty busy while I am away, but will write or at least send cards, as frequently as possible.

Max didn’t have a very long stay in the army, but I suppose he will be a real hero. Now, Hill will likely start regretting that he did not come over.

I had a nice box from Paul, but he is terribly busy. I also had the box from home containing Floss’ parcel and those for the patients. The parcel from Floss contained a narrow webb belt with a silver buckle, just the thing for me.

Our weather has been very mild for which believe me, I am not sorry. By the way, I want a couple more suits of underwear like I got last year and do them up in double (sewn) cotton wrappers, both with addresses on. So in case I am moving around, I will get them all right. Also the chain Dad sent, wont last very long. I want a double curb, soldered and heavier than the one he sent. I lost my [dise?] the day before the piece of chain arrived but fortunately it was found. I am using the piece while I am away, but the links will get pulled open.

Well My Dear, I am sorry this has been such a miserable letter, but I have been several times disturbed and now must get to work.

Heaps of love and good wishes for you all for the coming year.

Your loving brother,

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