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Date: November 22nd 1918
Mother – (Mary Davis)
Worth Davis

No. 113

My Dear Mater,

Nearly time to write you, I guess, as I have several of your letters stored up.

We are quiet now, as there is very little doing. I am getting in a little studying each day.

Sure a bunch of the boys getting home. They are lucky to be there. I had a letter from Frank Darrow and he is just about thro. Expects to be over here about Christmas and to be on police (aerial) duty. Doubt very much tho, if he will be around here, altho there is a chance that I will see him. I don’t know just what will become of our boys who went to the R.A.F., but some of them do not seem to be going to complete their training. I will likely hear from McCann or Begg in a few days now.

I have had a letter from Mir., and she seems to be well but busy. I surely hope she misses the Flu, and that the worst of it is over now. I think the worst here has passed.

That Jarvis affair in Brantford surely looks peculiar. He knows cyanide well enough not to make any mistake. I would like to know what went wrong, as he seemed to be doing so well there.

Was rather surprised to hear about Mr. Bietle. Perhaps they will wish they had not practically forced him to go there.

Frank says Vas has a com., in London, in the A.M.C. Not likely he will come over again now. I don’t think I will go outside now, unless we are going to be here much longer than I expect. I wish they would move us up further. Indeed if they include Canadians in the Army of Occupation I wouldn’t be surprised if they put us up with them. We were the last Stationary to England, as far as I know.

It’s a mighty good thing you didn’t have a lighter car of the Chevrolet type when the spring broke as they have no torsion rods and I imagine would give a great deal of trouble in a case of that kind.

Got a box yesterday, with sox, maple butter, milk, peach tarts etc. The latter we enjoyed very much, also the oat cakes.

I went to a boxing match last night and saw a couple of really good fights.

There was heavy gunfire out at sea this morning and it has started again to-night. They may be clearing out the mines tho.

Glad Dad is keeping so well. Love to all.

Your loving son,


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