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Date: May 7th 1944
Audrey Addison – (friend)
Bill Curtis

May 7/44

My Dearest Audrey:

Hi there darlin - hyar I be again, about time eh? I received letters 29 and 31 late last night also a letter from Dad, Lorna (dated April 19) and one from my step-brother in the States. On Friday I received 300 sweet Caps from you, thanks a million hon, and on Sat, yesterday, I got another parcel from Mom and another 1000 cigarettes that makes 2300 cigs I’ve received in the past week; guess I have enough smokes now to last me for quite a while.

Wade was on his leave and was in Stanwood, Wash. seeing Grandad, the lucky boy. He should be on board ship now as he was expecting an asignment and that was in March. Ah yes and the post card you sent from Port came yesterday. Say was it ever good to see one of those again especially one of the Sproat Falls. Dad and I have fished in the very spot where the card shows, they were usually too small though and we had to throw them back, even at that we did better than you and Lew, don’t fret tho hon I’ll show you how when I get back. Say darlin, I don’t think that fellows name was Bill Moore, as Bill Moore is over here with us; it must have been his brother. Can’t recall his name just now as I have not seen him for at least four years; how ever you know what Ted Fraser looks like, – tall isn’t he –. You sure have met a lot of my old friends in the past month. I believe the rest of them are over here – what a dump. – Jim sure is lucky in being able to fly home and got back by plane, wish that could be done over in these parts but 8000 miles is a long way to go no matter how it is done, and I know that for a fact eh? From the sounds of Lorna’s letter, mom hasn’t lost the knack of cooking, She said she gained five pounds in that one week-end; what would she look like if she were to go up there every week-end? Mom and Dad sure enjoy having you and Lorna up home, so don’t forget to go up when ever you can; it is just as much your home as it is mine and that is straight from the boss herself (Mom).

That so called orchestra in Port really must be corny, at least that is the impression Lorna gave me. She said it should play for Old Time Dances, can’t say that she is wrong but I’ll let her know a thing or two in my letter to her, just for the heck of it. She sure put a lovely remark in about Jim being too busy with his “Comic Books,” to write her a letter. Wait till Jim sees that, she’ll get a letter O.K. – and how –. Anne Sheldon the Eng. singer is on now, she shore can sing, just finished singing “Star Eyes,” really smashing too”

Have you received that bracelet yet honey? I sent it over a month ago, so, you should have it by now; sure hope so. it is little early for your birthday but I just wanted to be sure you got it a little a head of time.

your picture and the sweater hasn’t arrived yet, expect them this week or early next week, I’ll sure let you know when I do receive them. The parcel of moms’ came at the right time, I sure was getting short on some of the things she sent and wouldn’t you like to know what it is. I can just imagine what you would say and do if you were to go into a man’s clothing store to get them. Ha Ha Ha. Maybe one day soon you can, but not at the present time. So you think I’ll have some stories to tell you and my “grand children” gotta get married first tho, and don’t forget it. At least that is the usual routine; times haven’t changed have they??? Whether they have or not I still have my heart set on that “certain date” of course and that waltz you were speaking of sure sounds good, no wonder, look at whose idea it is; careful darling you won’t be able to wear that new-hat. I haven’t written to Dallas Barker yet, will do it as soon as I can but just now I have too many letters to catch up on. It will take a whole night to find her address in one of your letters, nearly a hundred of them now. Sure do love you for writing so often [“X” with a circle around it added here].

Well darling I haven’t been doing very much since I wrote on Thurs. Just now I am chipping the inside of the bridge and what a tedious job that is; think I’ll put a blow-torch on it to-morrow and get it finished in a hurry. Some of the boys were in swimming to-day but I am going to wait a while before I go in, I was just wondering if my swimming trunks will still fit me, if they don’t mom will have to send me some as I don’t think they can be bought over here, it takes cupons too; they are woollen and they look like H---.

Gosh it looks as though I’ll have to be signing off for the time being. Give my love to your Mom and Dad, “Maggie” and Brenda and special hello to Lorna. Oh yes, Dad was right it is the first one. “Cheerio” my darling; I miss you and love you more and more all the time.

All my Love and Millions of Kisses
Xxx Bill xxxxxx

[postscript added above the many x’s:] Sure have a lot of these to catch up


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