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Date: January 23rd 1944
Audrey Addison – (friend)
Bill Curtis

Jan. 23/44

My Dearest Audrey:-

Hi there darlin, I received five more letters from you last nite, thanks a million duck. They were dated Nov. 22, Dec. 2, Dec. 10, Jan [6?] and Jan. 10. Golly is it ever good to get those letters. I haven’t received your parcel yet but it will be along any day now. I hear Mom has also sent two more and a couple of orders of cigarettes so I am writing to C.F.M.O. and find out what the delay is. Could you send me Lew and “Muggies” address also Mary and George Gerards; believe it or not hon but I’m in a writing Mood from now on, as a matter a fact always have been. If you see Norm Ashley or Lieut. Bill Holland around, give them my regards eh. The place has a phone you know. Tell them Lieut. Bruce McGregor is here and looking and feeling swell. I received your pictures too! sure are swell of you and Lorna and Burnie. Sure love you darlin so just forget about that old maids home, sure wish I could have signed a contract before I left and not to be a [?] in a home for women either. Is that lot by the army camp still vacant? Just wondering; mind? So your dad is coming along fine in his driving now. Would sure like to see him back it out of the drive-way, it must be a sight worth seeing. Boy I remember when I learnt to drive. I was the same way, here one moment and gone in the next, used to scare the dickens out of dad. I’d be afraid to drive a car over here, they drive on the wrong side of the road, [?] for me.

Don and I are going up to Glasgow to-day to see the Stevensons, it will be our last chance as we leave here on the 29th. Our tests start on the 26th, wish me luck hon, I’ll need a little. Our class went out to an airport yesterday and we all had a plane ride. Boy is it ever swell, or smashing as the Juicers say. We were up for half an hour in an Avro Anson trainer, we flew over all the surrounding districts and over the camp. The people just look like paper dolls moving around on the parade square. Sure [?] liked to have been up with Lew instead. Maybe I should have joined the airforce, this flying business is O.K. While at the airport I head the hit Parade. Paper Doll my favorite was first. It was a treat to hear some real good “solid” music for a change. Sure got a laugh when Frank Sinatra sang, the women went goofy over him. Personally I think he is all right but “Bing” is just that much better. What say? That was the second time I heard it since I’ve been here. I occasionally hear one or two of the other programmes; the people over here haven’t got a good sense of humor and it makes me sooooo mad when they turn off a good programme from the states and put some of that long underwear stuff on the “wireless.” I mean that classical stuff. Mom was telling me that my step-brothers in the States are in uniform. Wade the oldest one is in the navy and Charlie has his wings in the Paratroopers. I haven’t seen Wade for over a year and I’ve never seen Charlie. Maybe some day I will. I have an uncle who is in the medical corps and is at the Lady Astor Estate so when I go south I am going to look him up, hope I haven’t forgotten what he looks like as it has been a good seven years since I last saw him. [Whewhis?] what a run I just had, I’ve been in the class room up till now and didn’t notice it was dinner time so I just made a mad dash for the mess and arrived in time to be too late. I don’t care though I didn’t miss much. C.P.R. strawberries were for the dessert. A big T-bone steak would sure hit the spot. Hmm.

Well darlin I had better be closing for the time being and start to get ready for our bus ride to “Dear Old Glasgee Toon,” only got 15 minutes so had best get crackin. Give my regards to your mom and dad, Lorna and Burnie, Muggie and Lew and Brenda. Will be writing again on Tues nite providing I don’t have to study to hard, the tests are going to be humgingers. Boy do I love studying, grrrr. Take care of your self honey and don’t let those colds get you down. I’ve had one for 3 months now but just ignore it, I’de be lost with out it. Cheerio just now and I will always love you darling.

All my Love and Kisses
X Bill X

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