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Date: March 5th 1916
Jessie and Stuart
John Leslie McNaughton


Mar 5th '16

Dear Jessie & Stuart - This is Sunday forenoon and for a change we have the ground covered with snow and there is a little Ice on the ponds. It has been seldom this way and though a little more Canadianlike we are less used to it than we used to be.

Just now we are in (?) back from the line. Our work for the last few days has been to carry rations up to the fellows in the front line. It is done after night and is not too bad a job. The food stuffs and also the coke & etc go up regularly and no matter what the weather is like the work goes on just the same.

I have not been getting much mail since a few days and will be expecting some soon. I don't remember whether I told you or not but Gordon (?) me some time ago. It was real good and I must get him to repeat the performance.

I had another letter from Annie McCrimmon the other day & she gave me Alice's address and said that Alice had asked her to send something to me for her. She (Annie) said that she did and that another box of chocolates was on the road so I will be looking for it.

I guess Dawson and (?) were visiting in Toronto after the new year. There was a cheap (?). Judging from what Annie said they had a good time and I am sure they had.

Jessie did you get a Xmas card and a picture which I sent you some time in January - about the 12th or 13th of the month I think. The picture was one of us four fellows Ford, Rayond, Muir and myself, I sent one home too but never heard whether you or the home people ever got them. Annie got (?) one to (?) too but did not hear If she got them or not.

I suppose you hear from Hollis and Roland often. How are they getting along and is Hollis still in Montreal with the Y.M.C.A?

Did you hear that Clifford McIntyre and Pierson McArthur both Joined the Queens Heavy Battery? I believe they are on the way over now.

I expect to go to Edinburgh when on leave but have not had the address of our cousins from Mama yet. I (?) some time ago but It takes a long time to come.

I must stop now Jessie. Write soon again.

Regards to all.

Affectionately Your B Leslie