Jan 25/15
Dear Bi.
I just received your letter and pictures and I think I got everything you sent. It made me feel lonely those pictures I am sending them and some of my surplus kit to Ireland. we just received orders to do away with swords but have Colt .45 Automatic revolvers I have sent you a picture I had taken in full kit except pack. I am enclosing a checque for M Mullen of Mount Forest. I had borrowed on farm and have it down low now but want to get rid of it. Now Bi, I want you to keep this letter for if anything happens to me I want the farm to be divided between Mattie and yourself. Send [ck?] to [M?] and get his receipt. I am just sending £10 or £50. I do not expect any billet we must all take our share of the mud. My boys are working hard. Friday at 7.30 PM We guided the batt. 8 miles over open downs to a certain ravine located an opposing force even getting their password. Mr. Matthews complemented the boys on their work. The rest of the week had been the same only day work. This week is all Divisional and we have no more mapped out yet for England and they are hurrying our kits so we move soon. Got Jsn’ 3 letters Friday you see it takes time here. Well I have no news. A friend of Wm Heath just sent me a cake and 2 cholera belts she sent cake and cigarettes before. It seems very kind of her. I put belt on I did not use one before as the one you sent was the only one I had but now I have changes I believe I will although I have not felt the need of it. With love and best wishes to all. Give Eva a kiss for me.