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Date: March 1918

Mar. 1/18 -
March coming in like a ‘lion’. The Hun attempted to come over last night - but [unreadable/missing] - we had no casualties.

Mar. 2/18 - Application for leave returned with request to have it submitted through the orderly room - getting to be a pain.

Mar. 4, 5/18 -
Huns attempted to come over in force at daybreak. The whole of Lienin shelled but he only reached as far as Comp. H.Q. and was driven back. Major Kent killed with his driver. (Some gas came over.) A number of casualties came through after the Hun raid. He came over in our leather jerkins & steel hats. He brought full equipment and 48 hr. rations. Went over to 60th position in Lours in front of double crassier. On the way back saw one of our scouts bring down a Hun airman from a great height - he fell considerably in front of the 61st.

Mar. 7/18 -
Weather good - considerable shelling & aeroplane activity. SOS’s & Rehab.

Mar. 8/18 -
Went down to waggon lines - rumour that we are going out ‘On Rent’ on the 15th of this month. No word on our leave.

Mar. 9/18 -
61st had gas put over front. 70 men affected & sent back.

Mar. 10/18 -
Made rounds of batteries - considerable shelling - more lively than a few weeks ago. Gas attacks nearly every night.

Mar. 12/18 -
Went up to Loos position to 60th with Padre Latimer. Saw Wallace at dressing station in Cite St. Paire

Mar. 14/18 -
My relief came for my leave, Capt. Flemming - I remember him at College in 1907. 89 horses arrived for the 61st.

Mar. 15/18 -
Rode over to Holycourt to have a look at our ‘Rest Camp’. Small Canadian maid arrived. Rode motor lorries to Bethune in pm & put up at Officers Club. On Leave

Mar. 27/18 -
Arrived back in Paris at 9:30 am - reported to A.P.M. who informed us that we must return to our units at once as assured of German offensive. All leave stopped.
Left Paris 7:20 pm - an American & Australian major in our compartment. Came through [Auriens?] in the night - considerable [unreadable/missing]on account German [unreadable/missing] & bombing. Also at St. Pol where the town had been badly shelled & bombed - terrible havoc at railway station as we came in from Etaples. Reached Bethune about 3pm, caught lorry to [Neve-les Minus?] walked to 7 Onley Court - caught lorry to Barlin at DAC - heard the 14th were back at Sains-en-Gohelle.

Mar. 29/18 -
Move postponed - the 61st had a bathing parade.

Mar. 30/18 -
The whole brigade moved off early this morning. Past [Villes Au-Sois-Nirnt?] into open field near Maroeuil, north of Arras. It rained hard all afternoon & everyone miserable. Finally late in the evening got into a mission hut. Guns moved up into position in Ouse Alley & covered with camouflage.

Mar. 31 /18 -
It rained through the nite but the brigade was comfortable under tarpaulins. Located rear H.Q. at Maroeuil - waggon lines scattered from the open field to the Veterinary Hospital on the Arras-Bethune Rd.


[Editor’s note: Transcription and transcription annotations provided by collection donor; minor formatting changes have been made to layout and to clearly mark transcriber’s annotations.]