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Date: September 1st 1942

[transcription and transcription annotations have been provided by the collection donor]

Tue Sept 1, 1942:
Winter is just around the corner, leaves are falling. To-day we prepared for our bombing and Astro assessments. Two of the fellows went on leave.

Wed Sept 2, 1942:
A nice little session of rain to-day. Last night a Hampden from Cottesmore crashed. The 4 man crew went for a Burton. The other night one of our Hampdens crashed at the Grantham bombing range, killing the observer. There was a pix show in camp to-night. After it O’Brien, Anderson (Wag) went over to the NAAFI and had ham and eggs.

Thur Sept 3, 1942:
I went to Cottesmore this afternoon to collect some laundry and have my shoes repaired. Heavy rains at night.

Fri Sept 4, 1942:
The sun appeared to-day for awhile. One of the originals that left Vancouver for Manning Pool, J.C. Brown went for a burton last week. Pay day. Put in two hours as airfield control pilot and thereby missed the Grantham bus.

Sat Sept 5, 1942:
Scheduled for another mock raid to-night, this was cancelled in the afternoon. Went to Grantham in the evening. Did pub crawl.

Sun Sept 6, 1942:
Hosick and I went to the Flights early and as a result I managed to get in an air firing exercise. Now I am finished everything. Another mock raid over London to-night, but I’m not on it.

Mon Sept 7, 1942:
Spent all morning and part of the afternoon as airfield controller. The rest of the day was spent getting cleared from the station. In the evening there was a booze concert in the Sgts. mess. Early to bed in order to get a good start in the morning.

Tues Sept 8, 1942:
Up early and over to Cottesmore to get cleared and assessed. This took all day. At 5 pm I hadn’t finished so I’ll have to go back to-morrow. In Bombing I received 70%- good average and the following remarks. “This NCO has had a good record here. His practical bombing has been consistently good. His theoretical and knowledge of bomb components could be brushed up. And from the Navigator Section - Should become good operational navigator, D.R. good average - map reading, average. General ability - good, average.”

Wed Sept. 9, 1942:
Back to Cottesmore this morning to get my leave ticket. Rushed back to Saltby then hoofed it to Croxton, arrived just as the bus did. Joe Hart and I caught the train to London. We went to the Albion Court Hostel - cocs apple pie. In the evening we went to the Windmill theatre.

Thur Sept. 10, 1942:
In the morning we dropped into the Beaver Club, leaving a message for Hosick. Then we went on a bus trip saw Ruby McRoberts (cousin). Back to the Beaver Club where we met some Canadian airwomen. Supper at Albion Court and then to Hammersmith Palais de Dance. Hosick and I spent the night in a “Y” hostel near Earl’s Court.

Fri Sept 11, 1942:
After breakfast Hosick and I went back to Albion Court. In the afternoon Joe Hart, Brien Hosick and I went to London town where we saw the ruins of St. Olaf’s church, had a look through the Corn Exchange and then a glimpse of the Tower from outside. Bruce and I then went out to Hammersmith.

Sat Sept 12, 1942:
In the morning we went down to R.C.A.F. Headquarters - Joe Hart is now temporary Flt. Sgt. - then to HQ of the Comfort Fund for sweater and pajamas. In the afternoon Joe and I went through Westminster Abbey - really an old artistic museum packed full of statues and plaques commemorating famous men. The most interesting part the burial place of Kings is closed for the duration of the war. Next we went through Westminster Cathedral a Roman Catholic church. The little side chapels are faced with various types of marble, while the ceilings are ornate with gold and silver tiles. In the tower runs the highest elevator in London. A good view of the city can be had from the top of this tower. In the evening we went through Hyde Park stopping to listen to the orators. Some of them are quite good. A bit of contrast was supplied by the Salvation Army holding a service, while on one side and at the back two large groups were indulging in community singing. When darkness arrived Bruce and I went to China Town to see what excitement there was, but found none.

Sun Sept. 13, 1942:
The weather is a little cooler to-day. We roamed through Hyde Park. In the evening I took Ruby McRoberts to show and supper. Had quite a job getting back from East Ham. Missed the last tube train and after riding two buses managed to get to Piccadilly. I then attempted to get to a nearby “Y”, but after an hours walking in the blackout and ending up at Piccadilly Circus again I managed to get a taxi to the Marble Arch. I hoofed it from there getting in around 3 am.

Mon Sept 14, 1942:
After breakfast, Bruce, Joe and I went down to R.C.A.F. Headquarters to see about promotions. Lunch at the Beaver Club. - made some unsuccessful attempts to get photogs- studio take in no materials. Bruce and I went to the Hippodrome to see a musical. “Get Hold of This” - Vic Oliver - supper in the Beaver Club - and a session with the Hyde Park Orators.

Tues Sept 15, 1942:
Joe and I strolled around town. We went to St. Paul’s Cathedral and looked thru the crypts - Duke of Wellington grave and his funeral car. - Nelson’s grave. Next we climbed up to the whispering gallery around the dome where we heard a little of the history of the place. From here to the outside gallery for a view of the city. Certainly a beautiful church. To finish the day we went to see Phyllis Dixey, the famous stripper and her troupe.

Wed Sept 16, 1942:
Joe left this morning for Saltby. I roamed around town doing a little shopping. In the evening Ruby. McRoberts and I went to see “Gone With the Wind”.

Mon Sept. 21, 1942:
We moved a few more things this morning, then had a lecture on the D.R. compass. Our instructor is an American domiciled over here for the past seven years. The rest of the afternoon was used in discussing the Pacific Coast. Hosick and I went to Cambridge - roast partridge four shillings.

Tues Sept. 22, 1942:
 We took our air-crew suits in to be cleaned. Lecture on compasses swinging. Weather turning cold. Hosick and I went to a dance in Waterbeach.

Wed Sept. 23, 1942:
A lecture on photography and another on navigation aids (beacons etc.). Bruce and I went into Cambridge with Joe Hart and Cec. Loughlin. Had steak and chips in the Petit Café. Met Al. Cumming.

Thur Sept. 24, 1942:
To-day we lined up the Astro Compass brackets in a Sterling. The navigator certainly has bags of room in it, the ideal setup. In the afternoon we had a lecture on pyrotechnics.

Fri Sept. 25, 1942:
We started to learn about Gee and its principles etc. At night Bruce and I went to Cambridge ending up at Dorothy’s restaurant, where a dance was in session.

Sat Sept 26, 1942:
More Gee to-day. Into Cambridge again at night. Took a southern Irish girl to a dance at the Guildhall. Too crowded to dance.

Sun Sept 27, 1942:
More theory and practice. Drew our navigation equipment. In the evening I went down to the “Sun” in the village.

Mon Sept. 28, 1942:
Started a bit of Gee to-day, broken up by crew meetings. Not having any crews, Hosick and I put in time in the mess. Two parcels and three letters, the first in weeks. Raining all day.

Tues Sept. 29, 1942:
A little Gee, but most of the morning put in moving equipment.

Wed Sept. 30, 1942:
Gee gen and all - little more equipment moving. Went into Cambridge in the evening. Saw Loughlin and Joe Hart.