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Date: July 1st 1916
Miss Shand
Lena A. Davis

No 4 Canadian General Hospital
Salonika, Greece,
July 1st

My dear Miss Shand –

Was so happy to receive your lovely fat letter, but was sorry to know you had been suffering with indigestion. I suppose you are celebrating Dominion day at home. An attempt has been made here to keep the day by having a lacrosse match between the two Canadian Hospitals, nos 4 and 5. The latter is our neighbor separated from us by only a road way. Before I go farther I must explain for the use of lead pencil. I am a prisoner in bed suffering from the complaint common to this awful climate and country. I tried my best to ward it off but I fear the strongest of us are destined to be victims. If men must fight I wish they would choose a civilized climate in which to do it.  We are losing five more of our sisters who are leaving us in a few days.  This means of course five new ones coming in to take their places.  If we stay here much longer I am afraid we will not have many of the original number left.  The hospital is full and every body is very busy. I think your new spring suit must look very stunning.  Glad to know the Turkish delight reached you in good condition. I am glad to know the girls got on so nicely with their exams and such a lovely large class to graduate.  I was so stupid not to have arranged some little prize but it is necessary to think about two months ahead of time out here in order to arrange anything at home.  I have received two letters from Miss Parker at Orpington.  Her chief complaint is lack of work.  She can never take things easy, can she?  The snap I am enclosing is a German Taube (airship) which was shot down by our guns during the raid of which I speak in Miss Coomb’s letter at 5 a.m. Mar 27.  You will see what a great difference in size there is between it and a Zeppelin.  I received Mrs. Forester’s letter in which she speaks of their little girl.  I do indeed think it is a splendid thing for them to do. I wonder if you are really making preparations to go to Whitby now.  If you have anything to do with the moving lose Miss Biscoe on the way.  This writing is dreadful is it not?  But the doctor has put me on a diet of clear tea for all day and perhaps I am not hungry this very minute.  Tell Miss Coombs that since writing her, Captain Sparks has been laid up with the popular disease but is around again though he looks far from well yet.  Six days leave is being arranged for the sisters to go to Malta, seven at a time.  It is only for the sea voyage as it takes three days to go and three to return, but it will make a nice change.  It will take a long time to get around seventy five so don’t know when it will come my turn.  Will you please give to Dr and Mrs McClenahan my best wishes.  You speak as if they were going to live at 999.  Did you know that Miss Jackson (my friend) had enlisted for service under the French Government?  I had a letter yesterday from her from Bordeaux.  Their hospital is just three miles from the city.  She is thrown right among the French people and I guess from her letter she is not in love with some of their customs. Thanks for sending to me the Mail and Empire with the engagement of Dr Mc. announced. I wish you could see our little sleeping huts. They are about 10’ x 12’ and two of us occupy each. My dresser is made of packing boxes covered with cretonne and on the floor we have three Japanese mats which are surprisingly pretty and which cost one dollar a piece in Salonika.  I would love to bring some home when I come if I had the room.  Miss Goldner wrote a very nice letter did she not?  And next time I write I will put in a little note for her.  Major Mc Vicar is looking well and so far has escaped when he has been taken since I came off duty.  Well I think I must close now and please don’t let any one see this disgraceful writing.  I think I shall be on duty again very soon for which I shall be truly thankful.
July 2nd
Just received Mrs Clare’s letter which I shall answer in a few days.  I shall also write a little note to Mr Strickland thanking him for the snaps of “Tiger”.  They are awfully good.  Miss Mac Namara must be relieved to have the strain of the exams over once more.  Tell her I would like a little letter when she finds time.  Please remember me to your sister when next you see her, and with lots of love to you all

I am
Most Sincerely Yours.
Lena A. Davis.

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