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Date: September 20th 1918
Harold Dean

Sept 20. 1918

Dear Mother

I am a little early this weekend but as I received a few letters from home I thought I had better drop a line to acknowledge them I got four in all, one from you Aug 4th and one Aug 13 in which Mary enclosed my a/c is one from Charlotte Aug 5th and one from you and Mary of Aug 18th. Quite a good batch of letters also a bundle of papers July 19 and 20 with comic cuts and clippings enclosed.

The account Mary made out up to July 27th seems to be alright. Of course the dates she sent me are the dates you received the money. I started to remit home on Feb 5th 1916 so the payments have been about two months on an average in getting home. The payment of July 27 is really up to May 26th but that part is alright.

The reason I have not sent home for money up to the present is because I have had plenty and I have a balance of nearly $150 to draw from the pay office. I am going to draw some of it about $75 I think next week. It is best to have a little on hand in case I want to run around for a few days and money does not go far over here now.

I have been writing to Rollie right along also had a letter from Roy when he was in France. Rollie told me in a letter today he is back in England so I will have a try to get over to see him. I might manage it tomorrow if it is fine if not perhaps on Sunday. I am giving a hand at the Y.M.C.A hut here in my spare time now so some nights in fact most of them I am not out of camp. We have a very nice man and his wife in charge here and I feel quite at home at times. She has children about fifteen years old and she talks to me like you would. Of course she sees a different side of my life from what you have as washing dishes and pots, making tea and coffes did not figure in my civil life much. I told her the other day, “Mother would laugh herself ten years younger if she could see at this job.” That was scouring out the tea urns.

Well Mother in your latest letter you were actually on a holiday or a “leave” as we say. You should take leave more often than you do, spend my money if you can’t find any one else’s. I expect it will have to be spent anyway. It won’t do for me to let it go rusty in the bank.

Mary teaching school amuses me. I would like to be one of her pupils for awhile. Of course I suppose she has changed since I left. Quite an old maid by now.

I had a letter from Harold Hudson a few days ago written from Shorncliffe. I suppose he knew where I was by corresponding with Mary. I answered it two days ago. I also wrote to George Bryson but have had no reply yet. As I did not know just exactly where he was I had to send it to the records office so it may be a few days before he gets it. It was a nice long letter from Charlotte written from Silverdale. She must have had quite a stay up there this summer. Tell her I will write her one as long and interesting when I get enough news to scared up to write about. As it is now it keeps me busy to write something home each week.

Well Mother dear I must close for this time with lots of love to all relatives and friends

Your loving son

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