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Date: September 2nd 1941
Moo and Dusty

Auchentorlie House,
Seedhill Rd.,

Sept. 2 ‘41

Dear Moo & Dusty: --

Well, here I am up in bonny Scotland on the famous Clydeside. I have left the Admiralty & am now working for Reed & Mallik, Ltd., Public Works Contractors. My salary is higher & the prospects are better I hope. I am in charge of a dock repair job, due to enemy action, dock repairs, crane track foundations, & Air Raid Shelters, & it is a devil of a job, as labour is so hard to get & we are dependent on the Dock company for so many things.

Many, many thanks for you nice wedding present; I assure you it was very acceptable in these times of high taxes, & then again all the Doctor's bills etc. for Carol & Barbara. I'm afraid we're not in a position to reciprocate, as we can't send you money, clothes, or food, as all these things are either forbidden or rationed -- it's the very devil, I don't know what the dickens to do about Christmas; the only thing we can send would be toys or books.

Oh, but I do miss my little wife; it's the first time I've been away since we've been married & it's absolute hell. I'm afraid, Moo, I'm certainly in love for life, this time. -- Ah! but she's the grandest lassie in the world & I'm sure you would both love her if you had met her. I hated leaving her, as she's still only 18; the only consolation was that her mother is staying there with her, & she was a godsend to me.

I hope I'll only be up here for about 6 weeks, as I do want to get back & see my little honey & our wee lassie. I believe Barbara has had a photograph taken of the baby & herself, so I expect you will get one in due course.

What do you think of the war now? I think Jerry has bitten off more than he can chew, when he tackled Russia; at least his raids on this county have been very meagre since he commenced his Russian campaign, & I'm sure he wouldn't let us alone, if he could possibly help it.

I hope, Moo, that you are fit again & that you are up & about. When is the big event due? -- A Christmas box? -- I trust Janet is in the pink, & that she still phones her Uncle Dick periodically.

Well, I'll close this scrawl, as you must be rather fed up by now, with trying to decypher it.
All the best to you both & write soon --

Your affectionate brother,