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Date: April 18th 1916
Mother, Brothers and Sisters
Harold Dean

April 18/16

Dear Mother, brothers and sisters.

Well we are at the end of our journey at last and although a long trip it was fine weather and didnt get tiresome. The six weeks didnt seem any longer than the one week on the Missanabie, We called at St Vincent, Cape Verde Islands for coal about nine days out of England, We called next at Durban on Apr 9th where we went ashore for six hours. We came from there to here in eight days and I hope we are to stay for a few weeks. I mailed two letters to you and two to Ruth and one to Kelly since we left England so I did fairly well. There was some mail came aboard tonight for our company but as usual there was none for me.

The Canadian boys didnt get any mail except that came from England from friends. The weather down here is very warm in fact it gets about 125° in the shade in the hottest weather which comes about Christmas here. Of course it is warmer here today than it ever is in New West as near as I can judge. The ship here is not too bad though. We sleep on deck and dont have to work hard in the day time. We get rabbits on here ocassionly for dinner that is something I never tasted before I got to England. I expect we will get our trucks again pretty soon and get to work and I wont be sorry because I dont like loafing around here any longer. Of course its a good easy job here on the sea but it dont agree with my constitution. I suppose Kelly will have gone north by now, if he hasnt impress upon his mind that I would like to hear from him. I havent any news for this letter but will send another in a few days if I can. I expect we can send letters regularly later on.

Well mother I hope I get some mail soon but however I suppose it will come in a bunch soon and I will something to answer then.

This note paper as you will notice comes from Durban, a nice sized and very pretty town on the south west coast of Africa. I was broke when we got to Durban but after getting off the boat on the opposite side of the bay to the town I got a free ride on a gasolene ferry to the other shore. The regular fare was 6d that is 12¢ return. We took a car into the town which was free to soldiers (all cars were) We got off at the Post Office and saw the City hall which is one of the finest in the world. We walked down to the waterfront and turned up a broad street which followed the bay. We walked about two blocks and spotted the Y.M.C.A into which we went for a look around. We were served tea and sandwiches, grapes and bananas and wound up by cigars which were all served free of charge.

After dinner we went to see the town being conducted by a man from the Y.M.C.A. The most comical thing was the Rickshaw a two wheel gig drawn by the natives These are for European passenger only and can be had anywhere in town and go all over. These take the place of the taxicabs etc around where we came from.

We went back to the Y.M.C.A. about 4 oclock and had more tea and fruit free. We were also given a New Testament each and about six magazines apiece. We went back on a ship at 6 pm and left the next morning. The people of Durban sent us magazines and cigarettes which were issued to us after we left port. This town gave us the best reception and time I have ever had since I left home and everything was free. Well I will close for this time. Give my love to all the kids and Dad and remember me to all my relatives and friends so Bye Bye

Your loving son

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