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Date: February 28th 1945
Eira Williams
Margaret Chesney

R.C.N. Barracks,
Blk.26 c/o F.M.O.
St. John’s, Nfld.
28 - 2 – 45.

Dear Eira :

Received your lovely long letter a while ago and as usual am miles behind in my correspondence, opened my writing case and find 16 letters to be answered so thought I had best get cracking this afternoon and make use of my afternoon off altho would very much like to have a sleep as was dancing last night and feel as I could stand a few winks. However, here’s an attempt at a few lines, and if I start to wander it’s just because I’m half asleep.

Glad to hear you are doing a spot of curling this winter, wouldn’t mind a game myself. Have been enjoying a bit of skating the last few weeks. It’s really been perfect. We have an open air rink on the parade ground and the ice has been quite good and the music wonderful and you don’t know what it does to one’s Morale to get out in civies and sort of let your hair down. Haven’t had any fun the past few days as had a lovely rain storm to spoil the ice. Certainly hope we get a little more of it tho. Have also been playing quite a lot of Badminton so it’s no wonder am so far behind in my correspondence.

Cec went over to the other side just after new years, expected him back last week but still no sign of him. Had a cable on Friday naturally censored thus no date or origin, however think it was sent from Halifax, likely his ship went in there and now has to wait passage back to Newfie so he will likely come in any day now. The 2 months he has been away has really gone awfully fast, really, I don’t know where the weeks go.

Eira, I’m surprised at you getting stewed you old soak! The liquor ration over here is I believe two 26’s per week, no wonder everyone over here gets stewed to the eyes! The extent of my drink tho’ has been about ¼ of a glass of wine at New Years.

We had a lovely snow fall a couple of weeks ago so one Sunday about 10 of us had the most wonderful Tobogganing part. It was the most beautiful day and I never have had so much fun in my life. Have been going around with a gang of kids from the Band and they are really the swellest fellows and so much fun.

Did you hear Alan got his Commission so we are pretty proud of him. Had 30 days leave and now reports to Regina on the 5th of March to be posted for advanced training. He and mother went to Winnipeg for a week and just got back. Al wanted to go down and see a lot of his friends who are there so persuaded Mother to go too as thought the change would do her good. They seemed to have a very nice time. Mom says Al rather thinks his commission a lark as he really never expected it and he feels so sorry for me getting 1.45 and him getting over $6.00 as he says I work a lot harder than he does. Mom says he’s still wearing his old battle dress around as much prefers it to his new uniform. Had a letter from him yesterday says he has no idea where he will be posted might even be Newfie. He says his only ambition now is to see me whip up a nice salute to him! He also says I must pay him all respected and not call him Stinky any more! Vera is thinking of going to University next term. Believe she is considering a 3 year course in Interior Decorating but as she says she had changed her mind a dozen times.

Do you ever see my darling Aunt around? What a character that woman is, honestly I’m sure she has no heart. How my uncle ever puts up with the old hag I don’t know.

Makes me mad when I think I’m stuck her for a year and my friends from Cornwallis going to New York and Boston on leave or getting west coast or overseas drafts. I do like it much better tho’ maybe I’m just getting used to the set up and there is never a dull moment and you are always meeting people you know or know someone you do. So many of the kids I knew come in every so often on Ships and we have quite a reunion.

So Faith has another Boy Friend eh, is this another one she picked up at the Hostess Club?

You were asking if you had to pay duty on things coming to the country. I’m sure you don’t have to, not to Service people anyhow – I have never heard of such a thing anyhow.

Was to the big pay nite dance last night, every pay day they have a dance in the drill shed and close the wet canteen. There was the most terrific storm, taxies, buses and all transportation stopped thus the crowd not quite as large as usual and we had a wonderful time. Was talking to Alex Edwards for a few minutes at the end of the dance, he was wondering how he would make it home as is living out in Lodge and Camp. He had a little Wren at the dance.

Well, Eira, News is rather scarce and must write one more letter an then iron a couple of shirts before supper.

So you didn’t make that Christmas cake eh, and here I was giving you all the credit for it. Must tell Cec that when he comes back, you never know we may take you up on that and call around for a piece as one never knows we may get leave at the same time next winter.

Well, Bye for this time. Hope to hear from you soon again. Give my regards to your Mother and Dad; hope they are both well.

Lots of Love

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