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Date: March 1st 1944
Eira Williams
Margaret Chesney

Cornwallis. N.S.
March 1/44

Dear Eira :

Well, here I am back at Cornwallis and up to my knees in mud again! Gee, its grim getting back to work and routine, saluting, and being shoved around again. My leave was swell but so very short. It seemed all I did was get home and it was time to come back again. I was very glad you got down for the week end, hope you arrived back O.K.! and ran into no more little parties!

I’m still trying to get caught up in my sleep. 5 nights on the train! Altho I had a berth you don’t seem to get a great deal of sleep.

I had a nice trip back – left Wed night as planned and had the day in Wpg. Saw my girl friend, tons of relatives and really had a super day. My train left Thurs. night at 7:40 for Toronto. Met a Sgt. Pilot who entertained me all the way. He had a terrific line but still quite nice and must say quite a saving on my pocket book so far as meals were concerned. Just a gold digger at heart I guess! Arrived in Toronto at 7 o’clock Sat. morning and Hutch was there to meet me. We had a swell day to-gether and I came very near going adrift and staying another day. After breakfast guess what we did? Wandered through the stores and especially the furniture Dept. of Eatons; went through the Model House, apartments, etc. Don’t know if the idea was to put me in the mood or not, but we did have fun. After lunch we went to a show and some of the Service Clubs. After dinner went dancing for a while but my train left at 11:10 – “Parting is such sweet sorrow” – Gee, I nearly died as he nearly decided to come on to Montreal with me and I knew my other sailor would be at the station in Montreal! Arrived in Montreal early Sun morning and both Ron and my cousin were there to meet me. We went to Nora’s apartment and made breakfast and then Ron took me up the Mountain, and being the first time it was quite a thrill for me. It was a lovely morning and a beautiful view over the City and St. Lawrence. He then showed me the ship and we went to the Navy House for a little while. We went back to the apartment and had lunch again before my train left at 3:15. I couldn’t get a Berth from Montreal to St. John, but met one of the kids from our cabin who happened to have one so shared her’s which was much better than sitting up all night. We had a lovely crossing in the Morning – was even able to eat my breakfast on the boat and that’s really something. I guess I missed a terrific snow storm and lots of wind when I was home. When my girl friend went home there was a terrible storm, the boat was hours late and everyone sea sick.

Got my glasses yesterday. I wear them once in a while but they seem to make my eyes worse, possibly it’s just because I’m not used to them.

Cecil is in the hospital with a sore finger. I thought it quite a joke when his friend told me but guess its far from being one as its very serious and may have to lose his finger. For old time sake was going to visit him but found no visitors allowed due to an epidemic of some sort.

Gee, I must write Myrtle. I feel terribly mean not having gone to see her.

Well, I really must sign off and write Toronto. The letters are coming thick and fast so must answer one.

I’m on Fire Watch to-nite from 2 ‘till 3. Grim eh, what?

Write soon won’t you. Give my regards to your Mother and Dad.


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