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Date: March 1st 1915
Newspaper Article

[Published in the Daily Times newspaper on March 1st, 1915]

[photo of Lieut. Boggs captioned:]
Victoria’s Roll of Honor
1st Lieut. Herbert Boggs, of Victoria, commanding left platoon of No. 3 Company, 7th Battalion 2nd Infantry Brigade, was killed in action, probably near La Bassee, on Saturday.

[news article:]
Lieut. Boggs, of Victoria, Killed in Action Saturday Night

Word was received here yesterday from Col. Currie, Brigadier of the Seventn Battalion, that 1st Lieut. Herbert Boggs, son of Beaumont Boggs, the well known Victorian, was instantly killed on Saturday night. The cable was dated from Hazebrouck, France, Sunday, and contained no reference to the spot where the action took place. It is believed, however, that the local boy met his death in the region of La Bassee, where part of the British forces have been operating for many weeks past, and where some of the most desperate fighting in the war has taken place. Hazebrouck is several miles along the British lines of communication to St. Omer.

This sad announcement brings the war very close home to the citizens of Victoria, for until the cable arrived, no one had any definite idea that the Canadian forces were actually in the firing line. Lieut. Boggs is the first Victorian officer to meet his death in action, and the sympathy of all will go out to the father and mother, and other relatives of the brilliant young officer who met his untimely end in answering the great call of duty to his country an the empire.

Though only twenty-two years of age, Lieut. Boggs had seen a good deal of military training, and the fact that he became commander of a platoon at such and early age, was due to the fact that for years previously he had trained assiduously in all the duties of a soldier. He was a very fine type indeed of the young British officers who have in this present war showed themselves to be possessed of all the bravery, skill and dash associated with their predecessors from time immemorial.

The late lieutenant went with the first battalion to leave this city to join the first contingent at Valcartier. He was a member of the 88th Regiment practically since its formation, and immediately on the outbreak of hostilities offered his services in the cause of freedom to which he has now given his life. He left here under Capt. Cooper, and after the period at Valcartier, crossed over to Salisbury Plain from whence he went to the front. While there he must have come well under the eye of his commanders for he was given the command of a platoon.

A sad feature about the death of the local boy lies in the fact that his mother received as late as Saturday, the day of his death, a letter from him in which he stated that he was just going off to get a good night’s sleep, as they were all setting off for France on the morrow. In this letter he wrote very cheerily of his prospects, saying that he was going in command of a platoon, and enclosing his captain’s certificate which he had recently earned.

Through the death of Lieut. Boggs Victoria loses one of her most promising young men. He had been growing up with the city and took and active interest in many branches of its life. “Herbie” as he was more familiarly known by his host of friends, was a most likeable young fellow, and one who made his acquaintance would be attracted by his pleasing disposition. When attending the schools [in] this city he was known as a brilliant scholar, and as a law student he was looked upon as one of the best debaters of the Law Students’ Society.

The late Victorian commenced his school days in the old Victoria West school, and at an early age he passed his entrance into the High school. He matriculated and started to study law, being articled to A.S. Innes, of the Belmont block. As a student he showed remarkable ability and in the debate held by the society, and revealed marked amount of talent as a public speaker.

His martial inclinations revealed themselves when he attended the High school, from there he took particular interest in the Cadet Corps. He was lieutenant in the corps for some time and then was promoted to captaincy. While attending school he was known as one of the best rifle shots both on the Clover Point and miniature ranges. Following the formation of the 88th Fusillers in this city he became interested in the new regiment and received a commission. He was a junior lieutenant when he left here. Boggs was a capable soldier and gained quite a reputation for his smart orders, and for the prompt manner in which he was always obeyed. Above all things he was very popular with the men he commanded.

As an athlete he was well-known. He was a member of both the Y.M.C.A. and V.A.A.A., and gained many prizes as a swimmer. His first instruction in Aquatics was received at the hands of the famous drill master Ian Sinclair. When Mr. Sinclair operated his public bath near the Leigh [?] some years ago for school children Boggs was always there along with his brother, Arthur Boggs, now a lieutenant in the Indian army. In recent years “Herbie” swam in most of the swimming galas held in Victoria and Vancouver, and was looked upon as one of the six fastest 50 and 100 yard swimmers in the province.

Swimming was not the only sport he indulged in. He played rugby a great deal, and at different times was a member of the High School, Law Students and James Bay teams. 

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