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Date: February 28th 1915
Mr. Beaumont-Boggs
W.M. Barton

28th Feb 15

My dear Mr. Boggs

I am grieved and grieve with you and yours at the personal the human loss you have sustained in the death of your dear son Herbert.

He died a true soldiers death.

I can truly say that there was no man with the regiment of whom I thought more highly. He was such a splendid fellow. A teetotaler, almost a non-smoker, a fine athlete, a bright cheery companion, a strong competent Officer and a real leader of his platoon. At our last celebration of the Holy Communion at Lark Hill he was present with us. It was the last opportunity he had of being present as on the Sundays following we were either crammed together on the boat or cars.

The Sunday at the billett a celebration was arranged but the Brigade received orders to march so I was able only to have the Lords Prayer, Collect and give them the Benediction before marching here. I understand that Captain Cooper has sent you the place of the Church yard showing the location and markings of his grave. I have a plan on cardboard and can give any particulars you may further desire.

The service was held at 6.15 p.m. The Brigadier A.W. Currie Staff Cops R.P. Carls and Hapier. Col McHarg and all the officers of his company. The men of his platoon and Mr. Bromleys and many other men of his coy and regiment. I believe the regiment would have liked to be present but a lot of them were in the trenches his cousin Elworthy came to see me tonight and was full of regret because he was out with his platoon and so could not be present.

We are endeavouring to take care of his effects and they will be forwarded as soon as possible. I am personally sending per registerd mail his Regimental Badges which Captn Cooper has sent over to me.

My letter is very disjointed but the only place I have to write is the Orderly Room with constant interruptions and conversations so you will pardon it.

It was all so solemn at the Burial Service. The enemies shells had been bursting in the street and all round the church from morning until night I’m told that over 40 shells fell in the place that day. no one was hurt and very insignificant damage done.- but it was unwise to bring a body of troops thro before dark. So I took the service by the light of an electric torch.

At the same time we buried a Private J. Sutton of #2 Coy a strong fine fellow from Calgary. After the service the men filed past the graves saluting as they passed.

Thank God for their heroic lives and now they lie in heroes graves.

I am thankful to have been privileged to have been with them this morning I had morning Prayer and Celebration with his company Such a splendid turn out and about 30 of them communicated. They are a grand lot of fellows. May they Holy Ghost the Comforter be with you all in this great sadness

Believe me to be
Very truly yours
WM Barton

P.S. I forgot to say that I have a spool of films with several taken by Herbert on it. The rest taken of his grave. They cannot pass the censor and so I am going to try and get them developed over here and then I will forward them to you.

Original Scans

Original Scans