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Date: March 5th 1919
Annie Rendall
David Reekie


Dear Friend Annie,–

I have your letter of Jan 26th here and do not think I have answered it yet although I rec’d it a couple of weeks ago but since that time we have been kept on the move, you see we came over from France (Le Havre-Weymouth) on the 14th of Feb. after a three day rail journey from Belgium in box cars which was none too rosy at this time of year. Then when we got to this camp it was one endless parade for medical exams, signing pay sheets and etc. then we had another eight days leave which I spent mostly in Glasgow – one day in Edinburgh, saw the Castle and etc but we decided that Glasgow could offer more attractions, so we returned about six in the evening. But we can say that we were through the Castle, and saw most of the principal places. Say Annie, if Columbus hadnt discovered America, Id live in Scotland for the rest of my life. – It beats any place Ive been yet, – The people are very hospitable and much more outspoken than the average English person one meets. – All the colonials speak well of Scotland. – They have done so much for the men when they were on leave in the form of dances and socials that during the last couple of years most of the boys who hadnt homes in England went to Edinburgh or Glasgow on leave – the result is that seventy-five per cent of the Australian war brides are Scotch but do not know what the Canadian figures are, as I am not interested.

Well Annie, we are all ready to go home now, – just awaiting orders to sail so may go Saturday or next Wednesday. –  We were to sail today but for some reason it has been postponed. I suppose the RCR’s and 42nd will be home in a day or two as they left Saturday on the Adriatic.

You know it seems almost too good to be true, to think that we may be home in a couple of weeks, – after looking forward to it so long, –Only hope we will find Civil life as cheery and successful as we hope it to be, the labour situation in this country is getting serious and a good many are going back to the Army of occupation which will be alright for the Boys Battalions as they are offering educational courses which will be the only chance that a lot of them ever had for a good education. Of course, a boy in a peacetime Army in a foreign country needs plenty of self control if he is going to lead a straight life.

I suppose you will have some time making out this writing – the paper is not very good but I have nothing else so must use an Army book. However if you get stuck just lay it away till I come home and I'll TRY to make it out myself. You must be having a very mild winter in Canada by all reports, I hope there is some good skating when I get back but Im afraid its going to be too late, – But I should be in time for a few parties before the seeding comes in. Think I'll see the west this summer and see what prospects are best.

It was too bad about Elbridge Whately, the last six weeks of the war seems to have taken the heaviest toll of the whole war around Thornbury – doesnt it? Art Mackey, Wilbert McCartney, Albert Lee, and Whately, – I met the only man who is left of Art’s gun crew the other day so got some first hand information about his death. He was sniped through the side and only lived a few minutes he said, – Cambrai took the most of the 58th Bn.

The Flu must have been very serious at home. Sorry to hear of Gardner’s. But am glad that no one on the gravel fell a victim to it. As far as we know we will sail on Saturday so I may get home shortly after this letter, but I am alone tonight so thought I might as well spend the evening writing as doing anything else altho it may not reach you before I get there.

Must close for this time. Hoping to be able to call on all my old friends before the month is out. Best wishes to All.

Yours Sincerely
David L. R.

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