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Date: February 5th 1918
Annie Rendall
David Reekie

Feb 5/18.

Dear Annie ,–

I rec’d your ever welcome and newsy letter about a week ago so will answer it now, but I am feeling pretty blue tonight (you know that “all dressed up and nowhere to go” feeling) so please excuse this letter if it is a little dreary.

At present we are having real spring weather, no snow and it is quite warm, the days are lengthening (which is very welcome to us as it means less guard duty). But we will likely pay for this weather later as it seems too good to last.

I had a long letter from Lizzie Reekie last week – quite newsy telling me all her experiences in the babies and old mens wards. You say “poor Elmer,” why he's a lucky boy just to get a rap on the dome. He is working around the hospital I heard awhile ago, getting lots of comforts and a good long stay in Blighty while some of us “so-called” “lucky ones” stay here “Strafing Huns” –(not much for me) with nothing to think of but old days gone by – they then say we’re lucky. However I'm not anxious to sport any of those gold wound stripes. I'll stay here for duration so long as nothing uses me too rough. I have never had a scratch yet, altho’ I have often seen stars.

I suppose skating will be the order just at present eh. Just wish I was back there for a night or two, for some real old times, But hope things would look a little more cheerful than when I last saw that part, I can see Thornbury Sta. yet with all the handkerchiefs in use as the train pulled out but I didnt mind leaving then, the excitement kept any sad thoughts out of our heads, just the same in a push the reality of it doesnt come to you for a day or two, then you think of what really was happening and begin to feel the strain of it.

You tell me not to let the French M’selles “get my wind up,” – DONT WORRY,  Ive seen quite a bit of the world now but Canada looks best yet – of course these are alright to play with, eh???????

And you asked me to let you know what I would prefer in a box, well some cake and a little canned stuff – Coffee and milk or Cocoa and milk comes in very handy as it is already prepared so that only hot water is needed. Yes the candles would come in quite useful at this season but I havent received that box you spoke of yet, but havent given up hope yet, it has likely been delayed – I got one from Australia after it had been traveling for seven months. It was mostly canned goods so was in good shape.

I met most of my old 147th pals when I was on leave in Blighty. There are only two of us left on the job of the old bunch who used to live together in Borden all the rest are wounded.

I am getting along fine not finding things too tough. I weigh 175 lbs so you see I am not failing any, and I am still sticking at my old job. I like it better than any other as it is a useful experience – First Aid and Medical work. Perhaps you've noticed reports that the health of the troops is swell but when you read that remember those on the job. Ha Ha.

So you dont think the Union Gov is the best eh? – Just wait for a few more months and see. Of course we may not get the same view of it as those at home and its everyone for their interests.

Well I must close now, as there is no news this time. Hoping it finds you all in the best of health. I remain

Your Old friend
Dave R.

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