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Date: December 30th 1944
Jean Latham
J.K. Sully

Royal Canadian Air Force
Reykjavik, Iceland, 30th December, 1944
Mrs. Jean G. Latham,
Suite 7, Victoria Blk.,
Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan.

Dear Mrs. Latham:

I would like to express the sincere sympathy and deep regret of myself and all personnel of this Squadron over the recent death of your husband. You have suffered a great loss, as, at the same time has this Squadron, and our country.

Frank was of quiet personality and well liked by his fellows. During his time with this Squadron he carried out his duties in a most satisfactory manner.

On the night of December 19th your husband and his crew were returning from an operational flight and about 15 miles South East of Reykjavik they flew into a mountain side. The weather was only fair at the time with scattered snow squalls in which visibility was very poor and there was a very strong wind blowing, all of which may have been a contribution fact in the accident. All the crew were familiar with this part of the route, but for some unexplained reason they did not fly high enough or on such a route as to avoid all obstacles. The force of the impact completely wrecked the aircraft and all the crew were instantly killed.

The bodies were brought to Reykjavik where they were buried with full military honours. Squadron Leader Davidson, Squadron Padre, conducted the service. He will be writing to you and will give you full details of the service, together with pictures.

Personal effects will be taken care of and forwarded through Service channels.

Your husband and all members of his crew were such fine fellows and it is indeed unfortunate they should have come to such an untimely death.

The work on which the boys have been employed is of vital importance and your husband has contributed a great deal towards the final defeat of our enemies, and you may well be proud of him.

I would again like to express our sympathy. If I can be of any assistance, please do not hesitate to let me know.

You will no doubt be interested to know the other families concerned, so I am listing the boys’ names and addresses of their next-of-kin:

Skipper Flight Lieutenant E.P. Oakford – Mrs. E.P. Oakford (Wife) Elmworth, Alberta

Pilot Flying Officer G.P. McKenna – Mrs. Margaret M. McKenna (Mother) R.R. No.2 Milford, Ontario

WAG. Flight Lieutenant T.J. Pettigrew – Mrs. Barbara B. Pettigrew (Wife) Jacquet River, New Brunswick

WAG. Frank

W.A.G Pilot Officer H. Steinberg – Mrs. Ruth Steinberg (Mother) 248 Atlantic Avenue, Winnipeg, Manitoba

Observer Warrant Officer II J.N.D. MacDonald  Mrs. R.A.M. MacDonald (Wife) 3931 St. Catherine East, Montreal, Quebec.

ENG. Warrant Officer II E.R. Attree – Mrs. E.R. Attree (Wife) c/o Mrs. D.E. Lawler, Kingstown, Nova Scotia

ENG. Sergeant D.G. Bewley – Mrs. Adela Bewley (Mother) 2772-24th Avenue, Westm Vancouver, B.C.

Yours sincerely,
(J.K. Sully) Wing Commander,
Officer Commanding,
Royal Canadian Air Force,
Reykjavik (S) Iceland (C)

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