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Date: October 15th 1915

Risborough Barracks

My darling girl,

It is almost two weeks since I got a letter from you, but yesterday & today I got 4 letters dated 15th 17th 20th & 24th Sep, now I know that you did not get the letter I wrote you re your coming over here, and I certainly did make a mistake in not explaining to you a second time when I had doubts as to my letter getting safely across however I will explain my proposition again, it was that you & the kiddies come over, and I will write to Hines asking him that in lieu of the $50 per month he advance enough money for your passages over here after which I can along with my pay & seperation [sic] allowance keep the ball rolling, you know kiddie this war may last two years yet, and when Hines gets over here it is quite possible that the directors might object to keeping on paying half my salary for an indefinite time, and as far as I am concerned it looks very much as if I will be kept here all winter as I am at present the only Musketry Officer in the Battalion, and about the house either rent the house furnished or sell as you suggest the most of the furniture, storing the balance, I would want the rent of the house to go to G. Kerr to pay off the mortgage, Jack would no doubt look after that for you. You would first of all go to Willie's and if things were safe here I would eventually rent a furnished house near here & you & the kiddies could come & live here, several of our officers have their wives & families living here. Major Williams is writing his wife to come over & I have given him your address so it's quite possible you may hear from her & be able to travel together, however make immediate arrangments [sic] to come over, I havn't any doubt but that the arrangment [sic] I am putting to Hines will be satisfactory, if not sell the furniture for cash & no doubt that will cover your expenses. Am writing today to Henderson the Station Agent to assist you in every way & if there are any concessions to be got for the children travelling I know he will get them. I should imagine you could make all arrangments [sic] & be ready to sail 2 or 3 weeks after getting this letter, I shall certainly expect you over long before Christmas.

Am glad the kiddies got their toys alright; at the time I wrote to you I also wrote Frank & Gwladys I wonder if those letters were also lost I guess they were. Havn't heard whether Waw has taken her irrevocable step yet I hope not. Dick Waller got over on leave last Tuesday he looks very well, he went on to Lancashire to see his relations I expect him back to night or to morrow he returns to the front on Tuesday.

You ask what I think of Lloyd George now, well kiddy I think he's alright, and as for conscription I also think that will have to come to pass before we get through this job.

Now dearie will draw to a close as I have several letters to write principally to Hines & Henderson, will also have to answer Frank's letter. Love to Annie & David & fondest love to you and the kiddies.

Your loving,
