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Date: July 27th 1915

27 . 7 . 15

My darling girl,

I got your two letters of July 5th & 7th today, was surprised to learn you had one of your letters returned from the dead letter office, this must be an exceptional case as I have been receiving your letters very regularly.

Sorry to hear that Ciss was unable to get into the hospital at Vancouver, have you written Mrs Clingan yet as I suggested some time ago. It was awfully decent of Dr Butler to make the concession he did.

Am delighted to learn you & the kiddies are having such a nice time, of course I understand dearie that feeling about there being something missing dont I get it myself, please God we'll have a good holiday yet together, our honeymoon wont be in it. Alright dearie dont forget to let me know when you want any more money in the meantime I'll send it to old Kerr, I think you are managing splendidly. It was very interesting you seeing so many of the old Mold people we used to know. The chicks must look very cute in their bathing suits. I got a letter from Edwin the other day will send it on to you after I have answered it, he was on 10 days leave staying with his brother-in-law when he wrote. I also got a letter from Jack , a few days ago he hinted about Gla in his letter, by saying if I did not return home soon he would have me beat in the family line, he's got to even up before he talks of beating me what do you say. Willie wrote me a day or two ago wanting me to go to Mold for August B[ank] Holiday can't manage it am too busy just now, training these men in Musketry & furthermore I dont care to be going among all my old friends again without having been at the front , if I'd any idea I was going to be kept at Folkestone so long, I would certainly have tried to get you over, I might then have been satisfied to stay here.

Major Dyer went back to the front two days ago, that's what I consider rotten, officers getting over their wounds are sent back, and we who have not been over kept for instructional purposes. I hear from Dick Waller very regularly and he's doing all O.K., takes his turn at the trenches etc, but the Canadians have been moved where it was quieter for a little while, the deuce of it is wherever the Canadians are the Germans mass their troops, this shows they have a good healthy respect for them anyway.

Well dear heart I don't think I have any more to say this time, love to Annie, Ciss & David. Fondest love to Eric, Gwladys & Frank & your dear self.

Your loving,
